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Leeds Ecovillage Project options meeting March 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Leeds Ecovillage Project options meeting March 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leeds Ecovillage Project options meeting March 2008

2 Process points  Go round  Ground rules  Consensus and hand signals  Minute taker

3 Aims of today  Update on legal, land, membership issues  Agree major project options-contours  Establish a clear project outline which can be presented to council, funders and potential members  Finalise legal and membership structure

4 Structure of the day 10am – 12.30pm (with break)  Agreeing previous agreements  Land update  Legal options  Membership of a CLT  Common House features 12.30pm – 1.15pm lunch 1.15pm – 4pm (with break)  Number of houses, sizes, tenures  Our membership process  Environment-energy strategy  Financial issues – reality check  Future wish list

5 Previous agreements  There will be a Common House  20 units (approx) phase 1  100% permanent affordability (based on capped % of open market value)  All residents are members with full commitment to values  Car free on site  Design and build phases member-led

6 Land update  Probably south Leeds – is this ok?  Within an inner city regeneration area  100% support from LCC – they have appointed two LCC project champions  Very likely – land gifting on 999 year lease  Mix of refurbishment of terraces and new build  (1) Beeston – the Beverleys (demolished terraces)  (2) Armley – Dunkirk Hill  (3) Holbeck – not sure  Delton Jackson to give us short list of sites  Might be adjacent (rather than on site) land for food growing  Clarify what is not acceptable (eg next to motorway)


8 A good choice would be:  An IPS ‘for benefit of the Community’ without charitable status acting as a CLT with perpetuity clause  Pros: most democratic, flexible and can do a share offer to raise lots of money  Could add parallel charity to get grants and be tax exempt

9 Management  Management board (MB) consisting of all 20 residents  Monthly meetings of MB  1 LCC and 1 Community rep on monthly MB  Equal voting rights + all decisions by consensus  Smaller management committee (sec, treasurer, rent officer etc) – elected annually and appointed and answerable to MB  A Phase 2 would be incorporated under same legal structure

10 Common House Features  Kitchen (for 20)  Eating space  Laundry  Computers  Toolshop-workshop  Meeting area/physical activity/play area (one multi use space)  Spare room for guests

11 Number of houses, tenures, sizes: a working proposal  20 homes in Phase 1  15 = homes for sale 3 x 4 beds, 5 x 3 beds, 4 x 2 beds, 3 x1 bed 3 x 4 beds, 5 x 3 beds, 4 x 2 beds, 3 x1 bed  5 = homes for rent 3 x 1 beds, 2 x 2 beds 3 x 1 beds, 2 x 2 beds  (50 bedrooms in total)

12 Our membership process  Who becomes ‘founding members’? - prospective members who feel ready to commit to living in the project - project can move forward and become more inclusive by having a defined legal structure and trajectory  Joining process for future members -in waves, based on committing to values, diversity and get on ability  Commitment – financial (?£5k £50/month, contractual, time (?3hr/week), values  Sweat equity  LCC may want ‘nomination rights’ in project for key workers (controlled by CLT)

13 Environment-Energy strategy  Aim is carbon neutral community  Need to pay for professional energy strategy  Going carbon neutral will cost more  Minimise energy use through design (eg passive house)  Maximise renewable energy inputs: CHP/district heating (local biomass) (heat/elec) CHP/district heating (local biomass) (heat/elec) Passive solar water heating (heat) Passive solar water heating (heat) Ground pump (heat) Ground pump (heat) PVCs (elec) PVCs (elec)  On-site rainwater harvesting for laundry and toilet flushing

14 Finances  Costs to be split collectively: Site feasibility study Site feasibility study Architects fees Architects fees Common House Common House Infrastructure (utilities connection) Infrastructure (utilities connection) Company set up fees Company set up fees Combined Heat and Power System Combined Heat and Power System Ground source heat pump Ground source heat pump  Need to look for grants for all of some of these  Get start up grants from Unlimited (£5K), Awards for All  Can issue a share offer as an IPS to raise money  Need a finance group!!!!!!

15 Finance continued  Land gifted for free (hopefully)  Homes for sale: 30% deposit from occupiers 30% deposit from occupiers 70% mortgage from Ecology, Triodos, Co-op etc 70% mortgage from Ecology, Triodos, Co-op etc  Homes for rent 30% from grants and/or loanstock 30% from grants and/or loanstock 70% from commercial loan/mortgage based on business plan for rental income 70% from commercial loan/mortgage based on business plan for rental income  Resale values capped at % of OMV or % of Average Earnings

16 Future Wish list (dependent on site)  Land for food  Educational space  Others?

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