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21/10/99 Organic Chemistry The study of carbon compounds. Over 10 million compounds naturally exist More than 300 000 are synthesized.

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Presentation on theme: "21/10/99 Organic Chemistry The study of carbon compounds. Over 10 million compounds naturally exist More than 300 000 are synthesized."— Presentation transcript:

1 21/10/99 Organic Chemistry The study of carbon compounds. Over 10 million compounds naturally exist More than are synthesized

2 Inorganic vs Organic Hydrocarbons containing CxHy
oxides of carbon (CO2, CO) carbonates,bicarbonates (NaHCO3,CaCO3) cyanides (NaCN, etc) any carbon attached to a metal and no H Hydrocarbons containing CxHy

3 Origin of organic compounds
21/10/99 Origin of organic compounds Originally from “organic” meaning life Not just chemistry of life, chemistry of carbon Naturally occurring organic compounds are found in plants, animals, and fossil fuels All of these rely on the “fixing” of C from CO2 Synthetic organic compounds are derived from fossil fuels or plant material

4 The diversity of carbon compounds is based on the fact carbon atoms Form 4 Bonds
Forms strong covalent and nonpolar bonds with itself and other elements Review: Lewis Structure, Structural formula, Line diagrams

5 Carbon molecules form complex 3-D shapes
Common Molecular Shapes Tetrahedral Trigonal planar Linear Angular Trigonal pyramidal

6 Simplest Hydrocarbons
21/10/99 Simplest Hydrocarbons Alkanes C C Alkenes C C Alkynes C C Aromatics


8 Naming Hydrocarbons (nomenclature)

9 Naming: common vs. IUPAC
Common names used in the 1800’s are still used for some compounds today: eg. Commonly known as Acetylene IUPAC: Ethyne The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) was established in 1900s Systematic method allows an infinite number of compounds to be named given a few rules

10 Mnemonic for first four prefixes
Monkeys Eat Peeled Bananas First four prefixes Meth- Eth- Prop- But-

11 ? Other prefixes Decade Decimal Decathalon Pent- Oct- Dec-
Hex-, Hept-, Non-

12 Alkanes Are straight or branched-chain containing only single bonds
Are a homologous series –a group of compounds whose members differ by the addition of the same structural group Named by using prefix and ending -ane

13 TASK Write chemical and structural formula for all alkanes that contain up to 10 carbons Methane CH4 Ethane CH3CH3 Propane CH3CH2CH3 Butane CH3CH2CH2CH3 Pentane Hexane Heptane Octane Nonane Decane This is just the beginning…………………………………………………………….. You may have noticed that branching creates enormous variation

14 21/10/99 Try Naming These

15 Structural Isomers Substances with the same chemical formula by different arrangements of atoms Eg Butane & 2 methyl-propane ***Isomers have different physical and chemical properties

16 TASK: Draw all the isomers for pentane and hexane
Did you know? 3 isomers of pentane 5 isomers of hexane Heptane-9 Octane-18 Nonane-35 Decane-75 making a total of 150 different possible alkane compounds containing 10 carbons.

17 Cyclic structures are circular Have “cyclo” in name
Greater complexity exists because organic compounds can form Cyclic (ring) structures? Cyclic structures are circular Have “cyclo” in name Eg. Cyclopropane Cyclopentane

18 TASK Study the following graphic. What 2 trends can be identified?
Hypothesize why these trends exist. TASK 2: Compare, contrast and explain the physical properties of the first 10 alkanes

19 Background: formulas for HxCy
CH single bonds Alkanes= CnH2n+2, CH with one double bond Alkenes= CnH2n, CH with two double bonds Alkynes= CnH2n-2 Q - How many hydrogens in each of these: Alkane C6H Alkene C22H

20 Basic names of hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbon names are based on: 1) class 2) # of C, 3) side chain type 4) position Q - What names would be given to these: 7C, 9C alkane 2C, 4C alkyne 1C, 3C alkene heptane, nonane ethyne, butyne does not exist, propene

21 Numbering carbons 1-pentene Q- draw pentene A- Where’s the bond?
We number C atoms Always start numbering for the carbon nearest the double bond the lowest number Q - Name these C2H4 2-butene Ethene 3-nonyne

22 Multiple multiple bonds
2,3-heptadiene 2,4,6-nonatriyne Rules Give 1st bond lowest # include di, tri, tetra, penta, etc. before ene/yne Comma between #s, hyphen between #-letter CH3CH2CH2CH=C=CH2 2-butyne 1,2,4-pentatriene 1,2-hexadiene

23 Cyclic structures Q- Draw these:
cyclobutene 1,3-cyclopentadiene cyclopropane

24 Naming side chains Names are made up of: side chains, root
3 Names are made up of: side chains, root 2,3-dimethylpentane Root is the longest possible HC chain Must contain multiple bonds if present Add -yl to get name of side chain Common side chains include: CH3- methyl CH3CH2- ethyl CH3CH2CH2- propyl (CH3)2CH- isopropyl

25 Naming side chains Example: use the rules on the bottom of handout to name the following structure Rule 1: choose the correct ending ene

26 Naming side chains Rule 2: longest carbon chain ene

27 Naming side chains Rule 3: attach prefix (according to # of C) ene

28 Naming side chains Rule 4: Assign numbers to each carbon 1-hexene

29 Naming side chains Rule 4: Assign numbers to each carbon 1-hexene

30 Naming side chains Rule 5: Determine name for side chains 1-hexene
ethyl methyl methyl Rule 5: Determine name for side chains 1-hexene 1-hexene

31 Naming side chains Rule 6: attach name of branches
ethyl methyl methyl Rule 6: attach name of branches 2-ethyl-4-methyl-4-methyl-1-hexene 1-hexene

32 Naming side chains Rule 7: list alphabetically
ethyl methyl methyl Rule 7: list alphabetically 2-ethyl-4-methyl-4-methyl-1-hexene 1-hexene

33 Naming side chains Rule 8,9: group similar branches
ethyl methyl methyl Rule 8,9: group similar branches 2-ethyl-4-methyl-4-methyl-1-hexene 1-hexene

34 Naming side chains Rule 8,9: group similar branches
ethyl methyl methyl Rule 8,9: group similar branches 2-ethyl-4,4-dimethyl-1-hexene

35 Try Naming Side Chains 3-methylhexane 4-ethyl-2,3-dimethylheptane

36 Naming side chains Name the structures below 3-ethyl-2-methylpentane

37 Try Drawing These 2,2-dimethyloctane 1,3-dimethylcyclopentane
1,1-diethylcyclohexane 6-ethyl-5-isopropyl-7-methyl-1-octene

38 21/10/99 Try Naming

39 Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Aromatic compounds contain benzene ring structures and their derivatives. Benzene (C6H6) most commonly used organic (nonpolar) solvent very stable substance, unreactive toxic if inhaled -carcinogenic produced by processing coal, crude oil, gasoline or the combustion of rubber tires if it occurs as a side chain it is called a phenyl group

40 Resonance The properties of this compound can be explained by following theory: -the chemical bonds between carbon atoms are not single or double -all bonds between carbons in the benzene ring are identical in length and strength -there is an even distribution of valence electrons around the entire molecule. The resonance of the single and double bonds accounts for the stability of aromatic compounds. This is illustrated by resonance structures:

41 Aromatic nomenclature
There are 2 naming methods Numbering carbons ortho, meta, para (stomp) 1,2-dimethylbenzene orthodimethylbenzene ST Ortho Meta 1,3-dimethylbenzene metadimethylbenzene Para 1,4-dimethylbenzene paradimethylbenzene

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