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1 Permit Exemptions Rule Revisions North Carolina Division of Air Quality Permit Exemptions Rule Revisions North Carolina Division of Air Quality Air Quality.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Permit Exemptions Rule Revisions North Carolina Division of Air Quality Permit Exemptions Rule Revisions North Carolina Division of Air Quality Air Quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Permit Exemptions Rule Revisions North Carolina Division of Air Quality Permit Exemptions Rule Revisions North Carolina Division of Air Quality Air Quality Committee July 8, 2015

2 Draft Rules 15A NCAC 02Q.0102 15A NCAC 02Q.0302 15A NCAC 02Q.0318 15A NCAC 02Q.0903 2

3 02Q.0102 – Permit Exemptions Exempt from permitting –Actual emissions of particulate matter (PM10), sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, hazardous air pollutants and toxic air pollutants –Emissions of each pollutant are less than 5 tons per year –Total aggregate emissions are less than 10 tons per year –Synthetic minor facilities are not exempt 3

4 02Q.0102 – Permit Exemptions Registration –Actual emissions of particulate matter (PM10), sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, hazardous air pollutants and toxic air pollutants –Facilities not exempt from permitting under Paragraph (d) of the Rule –Total aggregate emissions are greater than 5 tons per year and less than 25 tons per year 4

5 02Q.0102 – Permit Exemptions Facilities that are ineligible for registration –Synthetic minor –Facilities with a source subject to a MACT –Facilities with source of volatile organic compounds or nitrogen oxides in a nonattainment area –Facilities with a source subject to NSPS unless exempted under another Paragraph in Rule 02Q.0102 5

6 Rule 02Q.0302 GACT subject sources not automatically triggered into permitting Minor language cleanup 6

7 Rule 02Q.0318 New rule that lists allowable changes that do not require a permit modification Similar to 502(b)(10) requirements for Title V facilities Applies to facilities with a small or synthetic minor permit Written notification required at least 7 days before change is made DAQ will notify owner or operator of its determination within 7 days of receipt of notification 7

8 Rule 02Q.0903 Current rule applies to emergency generators Revised rule adds stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE) Applies to the following facilities –whose only sources are emergency generators and stationary RICE –actual emissions are less than 100 tons per year of a regulated pollutant –actual emissions are less than 10 tons per year of a single hazardous air pollutant –actual emissions are less than 25 tons per year of any combination of hazardous air pollutants 8

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