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East Asia Digital Resources at SDSC - - Jim Cheng PRDLA, Oct.

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Presentation on theme: "East Asia Digital Resources at SDSC - - Jim Cheng PRDLA, Oct."— Presentation transcript:

1 East Asia Digital Resources at SDSC - - Jim Cheng PRDLA, Oct. 17-22, 2004 ACADEMIA SINICA

2 Digital Resources & Services Through licensing agreements, we have purchased 3 databases and 1 digital library comprising more than 55,000 titles (1 TB of data) serving 9 UC campuses: 1. Siku Quanshu database Full Text of 3700 classical Chinese titles, 168 CD-ROMs, 10 Concurrent users, Web access with IP control; 2. Sibu Congkan database Full Text of 503 classical Chinese titles, 24 CD-ROMs, 10 Concurrent users, Server/Client access with IP control; 3. People’s Daily database Full Text of People’s Daily (1946-2003),10 Concurrent users, Web access with IP control; 4. Bibliography of East Asian Studies A selective index to a subset of the serials indexed by the BAS (Bibliography of Asian Studies), unlimited Web access; 5. SuperStar Chinese Digital Library 50,750 titles in history, religion, and literature, yearbooks, local gazetteers, unlimited Web access with IP control.

3 Technical Infrastructure & Services All digital resources have been installed at SDSC, and UCSD is responsible for maintenance and access support. 1. Utilizing the following technical infrastructure: 2 TB IDE RAID disk array on Window 2003 server 2. Utilizing the following staff expertise at SDSC: One system administrator provides the services of: a. managing a Web server/client system, b. disaster recovery program, c. system troubleshooting services, d. hardware maintenance support, e. remote access for software configuration, f. on-site technical support access (when necessary), d. limited system status monitoring

4 East Asia Digital Resources at SDSC SDSC 2 TB IDE RAID disk array on 1 Window 2003 server A Digital Library: 50,750 Chinese E-books UCSD, and UCSB Sibu Congkan (503 Titles) UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSB, and UCSD Siku Quanshu (3,728 Titles) UCB, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, UCD, UCR, and UCI People’s Daily (1946-2003) UCB, UCLA, UCD, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD Bibliography of East Asian Studies All UC campuses (11)

5 Current Operation and Cost Staff: 1 manager, 1 programmer, 1 system administrator, and 1 licensing specialist working part-time, and in coordination with the UC EADLG (University of California East Asia Digital Library Group) for consortial efforts. Cost: Licensed Products = $173,660 Technical Infrastructure = $ 81,800 Monthly Maintenance = $ 885

6 Advantages Political --own the resources (preventing censorship) --control the services Financial --licensing agreements secure perpetual access without future financial concerns --consortial efforts bring better deal and cut processing costs --single location cuts the cost of staff, equipment, and processing Technical --SDSC provides professional and economic support in the form of technical infrastructure and experienced staff User service --closer and more efficient user services for faculty and students --better organized resources based on user needs

7 Future Plan Push for passage of the White Paper to establish the UC East Asia Digital Library --with permanent staff and budget License more digital resources Support local digital projects --unique resources from different UC campuses Expand services and cooperation beyond the UC campuses

8 End

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