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Top Priorities in IT and Digital Projects at Georgia Tech Tyler Walters Georgia Tech Library and Information Center For ASERL ITDIIG – September 24, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Top Priorities in IT and Digital Projects at Georgia Tech Tyler Walters Georgia Tech Library and Information Center For ASERL ITDIIG – September 24, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Top Priorities in IT and Digital Projects at Georgia Tech Tyler Walters Georgia Tech Library and Information Center For ASERL ITDIIG – September 24, 2009

2 GALILEO Knowledge Repository Consortial Digital Repositories GKR: http://GKR.library.gatech.edu Survey & focus groups Searchable metadata repository IR-hosting DSpace service for four partner USG insts. IR-related services Two-day conference and workshop on statewide & consortial repositories ~Guide to Statewide and Consortial Repositories~

3 MetaArchive Cooperative (Digital Preservation) 1 st Private LOCKSS Network Replicates files / geographic distribution Monitors and replaces files Affordable / Achievable PLNs are spreading / viable approach Consortial Digital Repositories MetaArchive:

4 Publishing, Content, and Curation Services Virtual Research Environments

5 Publishing, Content, and Curation Services E-Publishing / Capturing Services

6 MetaSearch, Discovery & Courseware

7 Digital Curation and Preservation Architecture – Sun Infinite Archive Solution – Sun StorageTek 2540 disk array (16 TB) – SL 500 Tape Library (combined 529 TB) – Managed by Sun’s SAM server and ZFS software For management of GT digital assets, including consortially-held assets, and future research data initiatives

8 Links: Top Priorities in IT and Digital Projects 1)Consortial Digital Repositories – GKR: http://GKR.library.gatech.edu – MetaArchive Cooperative: http://metaarchive.org 2)ePublishing, Content, and Curation Services – VREs: i.e. -- – Publishing: ( -- www.itidjournal.org 3)MetaSearch and Discovery – – 4)Digital Curation and Preservation Architecture

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