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OSI Reference Model This module covers the OSI reference model. It is sometimes also called ISO or 7 layer reference model. The model was developed by.

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Presentation on theme: "OSI Reference Model This module covers the OSI reference model. It is sometimes also called ISO or 7 layer reference model. The model was developed by."— Presentation transcript:

1 OSI Reference Model This module covers the OSI reference model. It is sometimes also called ISO or 7 layer reference model. The model was developed by the International Standards Organization in the early 1980's. It describes the principles for interconnection of computer systems in an Open System Interconnection environment. We’ll explain what this means.

2 Agenda The Layered Model Layers 1 & 2: Physical & Data Link Layers
Layer 3: Network Layer Layers 4–7: Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application Layers Here is our agenda… We’ll start by discussing what a layered model is, why it’s important, go through briefly the 7 layers of the OSI model. After that, we’ll look in detail at Layers 1 & 2, as well as layer 3 (which is routing). Then we’ll take a quick look at the upper layers.

3 The Layered Model The concept of layered communication is essential to ensuring interoperability of all the pieces of a network. To introduce the process of layered communication, let’s take a look at a simple example. © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc.

4 Layered Communication
Location A I like rabbits Message L: Dutch Ik hou van konijnen Information for the Remote Translator In this slide, the goal is to get a message from Location A to Location B. The sender doesn’t know what language the receiver speaks – so the sender passes the message on to a translator. The translator, while not concerned with the content of the message, will translate it into a language that may be globally understood by most, if not all translators – thus it doesn’t matter what language the final recipient speaks. In this example, the language is Dutch. The translator also indicates what the language type is, and then passes the message to an administrative assistant. The administrative assistant, while not concerned with the language, or the message, will work to ensure the reliable delivery of the message to the destination. In this example, she will attach the fax number, and then fax the document to the destination – Location B. Fax #:--- L: Dutch Ik hou van konijnen Information for the Remote Secretary Source: Tanenbaum, 1996

5 Layered Communication
Location A Location B I like rabbits J’aime les lapins Message L: Dutch Ik hou van konijnen Information for the Remote Translator L: Dutch Ik hou van konijnen The document is received by an administrative assistant at Location B. The assistant at Location B may even call the assistant at Location A to let her know the fax was properly received. The assistant at Location B will then pass the message to the translator at her office. The translator will see that the message is in Dutch. The translator, knowing that the person to whom the message is addressed only speaks French, will translate the message so the recipient can properly read the message. This completes the process of moving information from one location to another. Fax #:--- L: Dutch Ik hou van konijnen Fax #:--- L: Dutch Ik hou van konijnen Information for the Remote Secretary

6 Layered Communication
Location A Location B Layers I like rabbits J’aime les lapins 3 Message L: Dutch Ik hou van konijnen Information for the remote translator L: Dutch Ik hou van konijnen 2 Upon closer study of the process employed to communicate, you will notice that communication took place at different layers. At layer 1, the administrative assistants communicated with each other. At layer 2, the translators communicated with each other. And, at layer 3 the sender was able to communicate with the recipient. Fax #:--- L: Dutch Ik hou van konijnen Fax #:--- L: Dutch Ik hou van konijnen Information for the remote secretary 1

7 Why a Layered Network Model?
7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data Link 1 Physical Reduces complexity (one big problem to seven smaller ones) Standardizes interfaces Facilitates modular engineering Assures interoperable technology Accelerates evolution Simplifies teaching and learning That’s essentially the same thing that goes in networking with the OSI model. This slide illustrates the model. So, why use a layered network model in the first place? Well, a layered network model does a number of things. It reduces the complexity of the problems from one large one to seven smaller ones. It allows the standardization of interfaces among devices. It also facilitates modular engineering so engineers can work on one layer of the network model without being concerned with what happens at another layer. This modularity both accelerates evolution of technology and finally teaching and learning by dividing the complexity of internetworking into discrete, more easily learned operation subsets. Note that a layered model does not define or constrain an implementation; it provides a framework. Implementations, therefore, do not conform to the OSI reference model, but they do conform to the standards developed from the OSI reference model principles.

8 Devices Function at Layers
7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data Link 1 Physical NIC Card Let’s put this in some context. You are already familiar with different networking devices such as hubs, switches, and routers. Each of these devices operate at a different level of the OSI Model. NIC cards receive information from upper level applications and properly package data for transmission on to the network media. Essentially, NIC cards live at the lower four layers of the OSI Model. Hubs, whether Ethernet, or FDDI, live at the physical layer. They are only concerned with passing bits from one station to other connected stations on the network. They do not filter any traffic. Bridges and switches on the other hand, will filter traffic and build bridging and switching tables in order to keep track of what device is connected to what port. Routers, or the technology of routing, lives at layer 3. These are the layers people are referring to when they speak of “layer 2” or “layer 3” devices. Let’s take a closer look at the model.

9 Host Layers } 7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data Link 1 Physical Host layers: Provide accurate data delivery between computers The upper four layers, Application, Presentation, Session, and Transport, are responsible for accurate data delivery between computers. The tasks or functions of these upper four layers must “interoperate” with the upper four layers in the system being communicated with.

10 Media Layers } 7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data Link 1 Physical Host layers: Provide accurate data delivery between computers } The lower three layers – Network, Data Link and Physical -- are called the media layers. The media layers are responsible for seeing that the information does indeed arrive at the destination for which it was intended. Media layers: Control physical delivery of messages over the network

11 Layer Functions Application 7
Provides network services to application processes (such as electronic mail, file transfer, and terminal emulation) If we take a look at the model from the top layer, the Application Layer, down, I think you will begin to get a better idea of what the model does for the industry. The applications that you run on a desktop system, such as Power Point, Excel and Word work above the seven layers of the model. The application layer of the model helps to provide network services to the applications. Some of the application processes or services that it offers are electronic mail, file transfer, and terminal emulation.

12 Layer Functions 7 Application Network services to applications
Presentation 6 Data representation Ensures data is readable by receiving system Format of data Data structures Negotiates data transfer syntax for application layer The next layer of the seven layer model is the presentation layer. It is responsible for the overall representation of the data from the application layer to the receiving system. It insures that the data is readable by the receiving system.

13 Layer Functions 7 Application Network services to applications
Presentation 6 Data representation 5 Session Inter-host communication Establishes, manages, and terminates sessions between applications The session layer is concerned with inter-host communication. It establishes, manages and terminates sessions between applications.

14 Layer Functions 7 Application Network services to applications
Presentation 6 Data representation 5 Session Inter-host communication 4 Transport End-to-end connection reliability Concerned with data transport issues between hosts Data transport reliability Establishes, maintains, and terminates virtual circuits Fault detection and recovery Information flow control Layer 4, the Transport layer is primarily concerned with end-to-end connection reliability. It is concerned with issues such as data transport information flow and fault detection and the recovery.

15 Layer Functions 7 Application Network services to applications
Presentation 6 Data representation 5 Session Inter-host communication 4 Transport End-to-end connection reliability The network layer is layer 3. This is the layer that is associated with addressing and looking for the best path to send information on. It provides connectivity and path selection between two systems. The network layer is essentially the domain of routing. So when we talk about a device having layer 3 capability, we mean that that device is capable of addressing and best path selection. 3 Network Addresses and best path Provides connectivity and path selection between two end systems Domain of routing

16 Layer Functions 7 Application Network services to applications
Presentation 6 Data representation 5 Session Inter-host communication 4 Transport End-to-end connection reliability 3 Network Addresses and best path The link layer (formally referred to as the data link layer) provides reliable transit of data across a physical link. In so doing, the link layer is concerned with physical (as opposed to network or logical) addressing, network topology, line discipline (how end systems will use the network link), error notification, ordered delivery of frames, and flow control. 2 Data Link Access to media Provides reliable transfer of data across media Physical addressing, network topology, error notification, flow control

17 Layer Functions 7 Application Network services to applications 6
Presentation Data representation 5 Session Inter-host communication 4 Transport End-to-end connection reliability 3 Network Addresses and best path The physical layer is concerned with binary transmission. It defines the electrical, mechanical, procedural, and functional specifications for activating, maintaining, and deactivating the physical link between end systems. Such characteristics as voltage levels, physical data rates, and physical connectors are defined by physical layer specifications. Now you know the role of all 7 layers of the OSI model. 2 Data Link Access to media 1 Physical Binary transmission Wires, connectors, voltages, data rates

18 Peer-to-Peer Communications
Host A Host B 7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data Link 1 Physical Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical Segments Let’s see how these layers work in a Peer to Peer Communications Network. In this exercise we will package information and move it from Host A, across network lines to Host B. Each layer uses its own layer protocol to communicate with its peer layer in the other system. Each layer’s protocol exchanges information, called protocol data units (PDUs), between peer layers. This peer-layer protocol communication is achieved by using the services of the layers below it. The layer below any current or active layer provides its services to the current layer. The transport layer will insure that data is kept segmented or separated from one other data. At the network layer we get packets that begin to be assembled. At the data link layer those packets become frames and then at the physical layer those frames go out on the wires from one host to the other host as bits. Packets Frames Bits

19 } { Data Encapsulation Host A Host B Application Application
Presentation Data Presentation Session Session Transport Transport This whole process of moving data from host A to host B is known as data encapsulation – the data is being wrapped in the appropriate protocol header so it can be properly received. Let’s say we compose an that we wish to send from system A to system B. The application we are using is Eudora. We write the letter and then hit send. Now, the computer translates the numbers into ASCII and then into binary (1s and 0s). If the is a long one, then it is broken up and mailed in pieces. This all happens by the time the data reaches the Transport layer. Network Network Data Link Data Link Physical Physical

20 } { Data Encapsulation Host A Host B Application Application
Presentation Data Presentation Session Session Transport Transport At the network layer, a network header is added to the data. This header contains information required to complete the transfer, such as source and destination logical addresses. Network Data Network Header Network Data Link Data Link Physical Physical

21 } { Data Encapsulation Host A Host B Application Application
Presentation Data Presentation Session Session Transport Transport Network The packet from the network layer is then passed to the data link layer where a frame header and a frame trailer are added thus creating a data link frame. Data Network Header Network Frame Data Link Frame Network Data Data Link Header Header Trailer Physical Physical

22 } { Data Encapsulation Host A Host B Application Application
Presentation Data Presentation Session Session Transport Transport Network Finally, the physical layer provides a service to the data link layer. This service includes encoding the data link frame into a pattern of 1s and 0s for transmission on the medium (usually a wire). Data Network Header Network Data Link Frame Network Data Frame Data Link Header Header Trailer Physical Physical

23 Layers 1 & 2: Physical & Data Link Layers
Now let’s take a look at each of the layers in a bit more detail and with some context. For Layers 1 and 2, we’re going to look at physical device addressing, and the resolution of such addresses when they are unknown. © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc.

24 Physical and Logical Addressing
Locating computer systems on an internetwork is an essential component of any network system – the key to this is addressing. Every NIC card on the network has its own MAC address. In this example we have a computer with the MAC address 000.0C The MAC address is a hexadecimal number so the numbers in this address here don’t go just from zero to nine, but go from zero to nine and then start at "A" and go through "F". So, there are actually sixteen digits represented in this counting system. Every type of device on a network has a MAC address, whether it is a Macintosh computer, a Sun Work Station, a hub or even a router. These are known as physical addresses and they don’t change. Logical addresses exist at Layer 3 of the OSI reference model. Unlike link-layer addresses, which usually exist within a flat address space, network-layer addresses are usually hierarchical. In other words, they are like mail addresses, which describe a person’s location by providing a country, a state, a zip code, a city, a street, and address on the street, and finally, a name. One good example of a flat address space is the U.S. social security numbering system, where each person has a single, unique security number.

25 MAC Address 0000.0c12. 3456 Vendor Code Serial Number ROM RAM
24 bits 24 bits Vendor Code Serial Number 0000.0c ROM For multiple stations to share the same medium and still uniquely identify each other, the MAC sublayer defines a hardware or data link address called the MAC address. The MAC address is unique for each LAN interface. On most LAN-interface cards, the MAC address is burned into ROM—hence the term, burned-in address (BIA). When the network interface card initializes, this address is copied into RAM. The MAC address is a 48-bit address expressed as 12 hexadecimal digits. The first 6 hexadecimal digits of a MAC address contain a manufacturer identification (vendor code) also known as the organizationally unique identifier (OUI). To ensure vendor uniqueness the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) administers OUIs. The last 6 hexadecimal digits are administered by each vendor and often represent the interface serial number. RAM MAC address is burned into ROM on a network interface card

26 Layer 3: Network Layer Now let’s take a look a layer 3--the domain of routing. © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc.

27 Network Layer: Path Determination
Which Path? Which Path? Which path should traffic take through the cloud of networks? Path determination occurs at Layer 3. The path determination function enables a router to evaluate the available paths to a destination and to establish the preferred handling of a packet. Data can take different paths to get from a source to a destination. At layer 3, routers really help determine which path. The network administrator configures the router enabling it to make an intelligent decision as to where the router should send information through the cloud. The network layer sends packets from source network to destination network. After the router determines which path to use, it can proceed with switching the packet: taking the packet it accepted on one interface and forwarding it to another interface or port that reflects the best path to the packet’s destination. Layer 3 functions to find the best path through the internetwork

28 Network Layer: Communicate Path
5 2 9 6 8 4 10 11 1 3 7 To be truly practical, an internetwork must consistently represent the paths of its media connections. As the graphic shows, each line between the routers has a number that the routers use as a network address. These addresses contain information about the path of media connections used by the routing process to pass packets from a source toward a destination. The network layer combines this information about the path of media connections–sets of links–into an internetwork by adding path determination, path switching, and route processing functions to a communications system. Using these addresses, the network layer also provides a relay capability that interconnects independent networks. The consistency of Layer 3 addresses across the entire internetwork also improves the use of bandwidth by preventing unnecessary broadcasts which tax the system. Addresses represent the path of media connections Routing helps contain broadcasts

29 Addressing—Network and Node
1 1 2.1 2 3 1.2 2 1 1.3 1.1 3.1 3 1 Each device in a local area network is given a logical address. The first part is the network number – in this example that is a single digit – 1. The second part is a node number, in this example we have nodes 1, 2, and 3. The router uses the network number to forward information from one network to another. Network address—Path part used by the router Node address—Specific port or device on the network

30 Protocol Addressing Variations
Network General Node Example 1 1 Network Host TCP/IP Example 10. 8.2.48 (Mask ) The two-part network addressing scheme extends across all the protocols covered in this course. How do you interpret the meaning of the address parts? What authority allocates the addresses? The answers vary from protocol to protocol. For example, in the TCP/IP address, dotted decimal numbers show a network part and a host part. Network 10 uses the first of the four numbers as the network part and the last three numbers– as a host address. The mask is a companion number to the IP address. It communicates to the router the part of the number to interpret as the network number and identifies the remainder available for host addresses inside that network. The Novell Internet Package Exchange or IPX example uses a different variation of this two-part address. The network address 1aceb0b is a hexadecimal (base 16) number that cannot exceed a fixed maximum number of digits. The host address c00.6e25 (also a hexadecimal number) is a fixed 48 bits long. This host address derives automatically from information in hardware of the specific LAN device. These are the two most common Layer 3 address types. Network Node Novell IPX Example 1aceb0b. 0000.0c00.6e25

31 Network Layer Protocol Operations
X Y A C Let’s take a look at the flow of packets through a routed network. For examples sake, let’s say it is an message from you at Station X to your mother in Michigan who is using System Y. The message will exit Station X and travel through the corporate internal network until it gets to a point where it needs the services of an Internet service provider. The message will bounce through their network and eventually arrive at Mom’s Internet provider in Dearborn. Now, we have simplified this transmission to three routers, when in actuality, it could travel through many different networks before it arrives at its destination. Let’s take a look, from the OSI models reference point, at what is happening to the message as it bounces around the Internet on its way to Mom’s. Each router provides its services to support upper layer functions

32 Network Layer Protocol Operations
X Y A C B B Host X Host Y Data Link Network Transport Session Application Physical Application Presentation Presentation Router A Router B Router C As information travels from Station X it reaches the network level where a network address is added to the packet. At the data link layer, the information is encapsulated in an Ethernet frame. Then it goes to the router – here it is Router A – and the router de-encapsulates and examines the frame to determine what type of network layer data is being carried. The network layer data is sent to the appropriate network layer process, and the frame itself is discarded. The network layer process examines the header to determine the destination network. The packet is again encapsulated in the data-link frame for the selected interface and queued for delivery. This process occurs each time the packet switches through another router. At the router connected to the network containing the destination host – in this case, C -- the packet is again encapsulated in the destination LAN’s data-link frame type for delivery to the protocol stack on the destination host, System Y. Session Transport Network Network Network Network Data Link Data Link Data Link Data Link Physical Physical Physical Physical Each router provides its services to support upper layer functions

33 Multiprotocol Routing
Routing Tables IPX 3a ab Novell Apple IP IPX 4b ab13 DEC IP Token Ring AppleTalk VAX Routers are capable of understanding address information coming from many different types of networks and maintaining associated routing tables for several routed protocols concurrently. This capability allows a router to interleave packets from several routed protocols over the same data links. As the router receives packets from the users on the networks using IP, it builds a routing table containing the addresses of the network of these IP users. Now some Macintosh AppleTalk users are adding to the traffic on this link of the network. The router adds the AppleTalk addresses to the routing table. Routing tables can contain address information from multiple protocol networks. In addition to the AppleTalk and IP users, there is also some IPX traffic from some Novell NetWare networks. Finally, we see some DEC traffic from the VAX minicomputers attached to the Ethernet networks. Routers can pass traffic from these (and other) protocols across the common Internet. The various routed protocols operate separately. Each uses routing tables to determine paths and switches over addressed ports in a “ships in the night” fashion; that is, each protocol operates without knowledge of or coordination with any of the other protocol operations. Now, we have spent some time with routed protocols; let’s take some time talking about routing protocols. DECnet 5.8 Token VAX Ring IP DECnet 10.1 AppleTalk IP Routers pass traffic from all routed protocols over the internetwork

34 Routed Versus Routing Protocol
Routed protocol used between routers to direct user traffic Examples: IP, IPX, AppleTalk, DECnet Network Destination Exit Port Protocol Network to Use Protocol Name 1.0 1.1 It is easy to confuse the similar terms routed protocol and routing protocol: Routed protocols are what we have been talking about so far. They are any network protocol suite that provides enough information in its network layer address to allow a packet to direct user traffic. Routed protocols define the format and use of the fields within a packet. Packets generally are conveyed from end system to end system. The Internet protocol IP and Novell’s IPX are examples of routed protocols. 2.0 2.1 3.0 3.1

35 Routed Versus Routing Protocol
Routed protocol used between routers to direct user traffic Examples: IP, IPX, AppleTalk, DECnet Routing protocol Routing protocol support a routed protocol by providing mechanisms for sharing routing information. Routing protocol messages move between the routers. A routing protocol allows the routers to communicate with other routers to update and maintain tables. Routing protocol messages do not carry end-user traffic from network to network. A routing protocol uses the routed protocol to pass information between routers. TCP/IP examples of routing protocols are Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP), and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). used only between routers to maintain routing tables Examples: RIP, IGRP, OSPF

36 Static Versus Dynamic Routes
Static Route Uses a protocol route that a network administrator enters into the router Dynamic Route Routers must be aware of what links, or lines, on the network are up and running, which ones are overloaded, or which ones may even be down and unusable. There are two primary methods routers use to determine the best path to a destination: static and dynamic Static knowledge is administered manually: a network administrator enters it into the router’s configuration. The administrator must manually update this static route entry whenever an internetwork topology change requires an update. Static knowledge is private–it is not conveyed to other routers as part of an update process. Dynamic knowledge works differently. After the network administrator enters configuration commands to start dynamic routing, route knowledge is updated automatically by a routing process whenever new topology information is received from the internetwork. Changes in dynamic knowledge are exchanged between routers as part of the update process. Uses a route that a network protocol adjusts automatically for topology or traffic changes

37 Static Route Example Point-to-point or A A circuit-switched connection Only a single network Dynamic routing tends to reveal everything known about an internetwork. For security reasons, it might be appropriate to conceal parts of an internetwork. Static routing allows an internetwork administrator to specify what is advertised about restricted partitions. When an internetwork partition is accessible by only one path, a static route to the partition can be sufficient. This type of partition is called a stub network. Configuring static routing to a stub network avoids the overhead of dynamic routing. connection with no need B B for routing updates “Stub” network Fixed route to address reflects administrator’s knowledge

38 Adapting to Topology Change
B A D C The internetwork shown in the graphic adapts differently to topology changes depending on whether it uses statically or dynamically configured knowledge. Static knowledge allows the routers to properly route a packet from network to network. The router refers to its routing table and follows the static knowledge there to relay the packet to Router D. Router D does the same and relays the packet to Router C. Router C delivers the packet to the destination host. Can an alternate route substitute for a failed route?

39 Adapting to Topology Change
B A X X D C But what happens if the path between Router A and Router D fails? Obviously Router A will not be able to relay the packet to Router D. Until Router A is reconfigured to relay packets by way of Router B, communication with the destination network is impossible.

40 Adapting to Topology Change
B A X X D C Dynamic knowledge offers more automatic flexibility. According to the routing table generated by Router A, a packet can reach its destination over the preferred route through Router D. However, a second path to the destination is available by way of Router B. When Router A recognizes the link to Router D is down, it adjusts its routing table, making the path through Router B the preferred path to the destination. The routers continue sending packets over this link. When the path between Routers A and D is restored to service, Router A can once again change its routing table to indicate a preference for the counter-clockwise path through Routers D and C to the destination network. Can an alternate route substitute for a failed route? Yes—With dynamic routing enabled

41 LAN-to-LAN Routing Example
Network 2 Host 4 Network 3 Host 5 Token E1 Ring Network 1 E0 To0 802.3 Net 2, Host 5 Routing Table The next two examples will bring together many of the concepts we have discussed. The network layer must relate to and interface with various lower layers. Routers must be capable of seamlessly handling packets encapsulated into different lower-level frames without changing the packets’ Layer 3 addressing. Let’s look at an example of this in a LAN-to-LAN routing situation. Packet traffic from source Host 4 on Ethernet network 1 needs a path to destination Host 5 on Token Ring Network 2. The LAN hosts depend on the router and its consistent network addressing to find the best path. When the router checks its router table entries, it discovers that the best path to destination Network 2 uses outgoing port To0, the interface to a Token Ring LAN. Destination Outgoing Network Interface 1 E0 2 To0 3 E1

42 LAN-to-LAN Routing From LAN to LAN Network 2 Host 4 Network 3 Host 5
Token E1 Ring Network 1 E0 To0 802.5 Net 2, Host 5 802.3 Net 2, Host 5 Routing Table Although the lower-layer framing must change as the router switches packet traffic from the Ethernet on Network 1 to the Token Ring on Network 2, the Layer 3 addressing for source and destination remains the same - in this example it is Net 2, Host 5 despite the different lower-layer encapsulations. The packet is then reframed and sent on to the destination Token Ring network. Now, let’s look at an example using a Wide Area Network. Destination Outgoing Network Interface 1 E0 2 To0 3 E1

43 LAN-to-WAN Routing From 1.3 LAN To WAN 2.4 To LAN Data 1.3 2.4 Data
Token Token Ring 1.3 2.4 Data Ring A To A WAN Frame Relay The network layer must relate to and interface with various lower layers for LAN-to-WAN traffic, as well. As an internetwork grows, the path taken by a packet might encounter several relay points and a variety of data-link types beyond the LANs. For example, in the graphic, a packet from the top workstation at address 1.3 must traverse three data links to reach the file server at address 2.4 shown on the bottom: The workstation sends a packet to the file server by encapsulating the packet in a Token Ring frame addressed to Router A. B B 2.4 To LAN

44 LAN-to-WAN Routing From 1.3 LAN To WAN 2.4 To LAN Data 1.3 2.4 Data
Token Token Ring 1.3 2.4 Data Ring 1.3 2.4 Data A A To WAN Frame Frame Relay 1.3 2.4 Data Relay When Router A receives the frame, it removes the packet from the Token Ring frame, encapsulates it in a Frame Relay frame, and forwards the frame to Router B. B B 2.4 To LAN

45 LAN-to-WAN Routing From 1.3 LAN To WAN 2.4 To LAN Data 1.3 2.4 Data
Token Token Ring 1.3 2.4 Data Ring 1.3 2.4 Data A A To WAN Frame Frame Relay 1.3 2.4 Data Relay Router B removes the packet from the Frame Relay frame and forwards the packet to the file server in a newly created Ethernet frame. When the file server at 2.4 receives the Ethernet frame, it extracts and passes the packet to the appropriate upper-layer process through the process of de- encapsulation. The routers enable LAN-to-WAN packet flow by keeping the end-to-end source and destination addresses constant while encapsulating the packet at the port to a data link that is appropriate for the next hop along the path. 1.3 2.4 Data B B 2.4 To Ethernet 1.3 2.4 Data LAN 1.3 2.4 Data Data

46 Layers 4–7: Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application Layers
Let’s look at the upper layers of the OSI seven layer model now. Those layers are the transport, session, presentation, and application layers. © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc.

47 Transport Layer Segments upper-layer applications
Establishes an end-to-end connection Sends segments from one end host to another Optionally, ensures data reliability Transport services allow users to segment and reassemble several upper-layer applications onto the same transport layer data stream. It also establishes the end-to-end connection, from your host to another host. As the transport layer sends its segments, it can also ensure data integrity. Essentially the transport layer opens up the connection from your system through a network and then through a wide area cloud to the receiving system at the other end.

48 Transport Layer— Segments Upper-Layer Applications
Electronic File Terminal Mail Transfer Presentation Session Session The transport layer has several functions. First, it segments upper layer application information. You might have more than one application running on your desktop at a time. You might be sending electronic mail open while transferring a file from the Web, and opening a terminal session. The transport layer helps keep straight all of the information coming from these different applications. Transport Application Application Data Data Port Port Segments

49 Transport Layer— Establishes Connection
Sender Receiver Synchronize Negotiate Connection Synchronize Acknowledge Another function of the transport layer is to establish the connection from your system to another system. When you are browsing the Web and double-click on a link your system tries to establish a connection with that host. Once the connection has been established, there is some negotiation that happens between your system and the system that you are connected to in terms of how data will be transferred. Once the negotiations are completed, data will begin to transfer. As soon as the data transfer is complete, the receiving station will send you the end message and your browser will say done. Essentially, the transport layer is responsible then for connecting and terminating sessions from your host to another host. Connection Established Data Transfer (Send Segments)

50 Transport Layer— Sends Segments with Flow Control
Transmit Sender Receiver Buffer Full Not Ready Stop Process Segments Another important function of the transport layer is to send segments and maintain the sending and receiving of information with flow control. When a connection is established, the host will begin to send frames to the receiver. When frames arrive too quickly for a host to process, it stores them in memory temporarily. If the frames are part of a small burst, this buffering solves the problem. If the traffic continues, the host or gateway eventually exhausts its memory and must discard additional frames that arrive. Instead of losing data, the transport function can issue a not ready indicator to the sender. Acting like a stop sign, this indicator signals the sender to discontinue sending segment traffic to its peer. After the receiver has processed sufficient segments that its buffers can handle additional segments, the receiver sends a ready transport indicator, which is like a go signal. When it receives this indicator, the sender can resume segment transmission. Ready Go Buffer OK Resume Transmission

51 Transport Layer— Reliability with Windowing
Window Size = 1 Send 1 Receive 1 Ack 2 Sender Send 2 Receive 2 Receiver Ack 3 Window Size = 3 Send 1 Receive 1 In the most basic form of reliable connection-oriented data transfer, a sequence of data segments must be delivered to the recipient in the same sequence that they were transmitted. The protocol here represents TCP. It fails if any data segments are lost, damaged, duplicated, or received in a different order. The basic solution is to have a receiving system acknowledge the receipt of every data segment. If the sender had to wait for an acknowledgment after sending each segment, throughput would be low. Because time is available after the sender finishes transmitting the data segment and before the sender finishes processing any received acknowledgment, the interval is used for transmitting more data. The number of data segments the sender is allowed to have outstanding–without yet receiving an acknowledgment– is known as the window. In this scenario, with a window size of 3, the sender can transmit three data segments before expecting an acknowledgment. Unlike this simplified graphic, there is a high probability that acknowledgments and packets will intermix as they communicate across the network. Send 2 Receive 2 Sender Receive 3 Send 3 Receiver Ack 4 Send 4

52 Transport Layer— An Acknowledgement Technique
Sender Receiver Send 1 Send 2 Send 3 Reliable delivery guarantees that a stream of data sent from one machine will be delivered through a functioning data link to another machine without duplication or data loss. Positive acknowledgment with retransmission is one technique that guarantees reliable delivery of data streams. Positive acknowledgment requires a receiving system or receiver to communicate with the source, sending back an acknowledgment message when it receives data. The sender keeps a record of each packet it sends and waits for an acknowledgment before sending the next packet. In this example, the sender is transmitting packets 1, 2, and 3. The receiver acknowledges receipt of the packets by requesting packet number 4. The sender, upon receiving the acknowledgment sends packets 4, 5, and 6. If packet number 5 does not arrive at the destination, the receiver acknowledges with a request to resend packet number 5. The sender resends packet number 5 and must receive an acknowledgment to continue with the transmission of packet number 7. Ack 4 Send 4 Send 5 Send 6 Ack 5 Send 5 Ack 7

53 Transport to Network Layer
End-to-End Segments The transport layer assumes it can use the network as a given “cloud” as segments cross from sender source to receiver destination. If we open up the functions inside the “cloud,” we reveal issues like, “Which of several paths is best for a given route?” We see the role that routers perform in this process, and we see the segments of Layer 4 transport further encapsulated into packets. Routed Packets

54 Session Layer Network File System (NFS) Structured Query Language (SQL) Remote-Procedure Call (RPC) X Window System AppleTalk Session Protocol (ASP) DEC Session Control Protocol (SCP) The session layer establishes, manages, and terminates sessions among applications. This layer is primarily concerned with coordinating applications as they interact on different hosts. Some popular session layer protocols are listed here, Network File Systems (NFS), Structured Query Language or SQL, X Window Systems; even AppleTalk Session Protocol is part of the session layer. Service Request Service Reply Coordinates applications as they interact on different hosts

55 Presentation Layer Graphics Text Visual images Data PICT ASCII login: TIFF EBCDIC JPEG Encrypted Sound GIF MIDI Video MPEG QuickTime The presentation layer is primarily concerned with the format of the data. Data and text can be formatted as ASCII files, as EBCDIC files or can even be Encrypted. Sound may become a Midi file. Video files can be formatted as MPEG video files or QuickTime files. Graphics and visual images can be formatted as PICT, TIFF, JPEG, or even GIF files. So that is really what happens at the presentation layer. Provides code formatting and conversion for applications

56 Application Layer COMPUTER APPLICATIONS NETWORK APPLICATIONS Word Processor Presentation Graphics Spreadsheet Database Design/Manufacturing Project Planning Others INTERNETWORK APPLICATIONS Electronic Mail File Transfer Remote Access Client-Server Process Information Location Network Management Others Electronic Data Interchange World Wide Web Gateways Special-Interest Bulletin Boards Financial Transaction Services Internet Navigation Utilities Conferencing (Voice, Video, Data) Others The application layer is the highest level of the seven layer model. Computer applications that you use on your desktop everyday, applications like word processing, presentation graphics, spreadsheets files, and database management, all sit above the application layer. Network applications and internetwork applications allow you, as the user, to move computer application files through the network and through the internetwork. Internetwork applications can extend beyond the enterprise (i.e., to suppliers, etc.)

57 Summary OSI reference model describes building blocks of functions for program-to- program communications between similar or dissimilar hosts Layers 4–7 (host layers) provide accurate data delivery between computers Layers 1–3 (media layers) control physical delivery of data over the network To review what we’ve learned – the OSI reference model describes what must transpire for program to program communications to occur between even dissimilar computer systems. Each layer is responsible to provide information and pointers to the next higher layer in the OSI Reference Model. The Application Layer (which is the highest layer in the OSI model) makes available network services to actual software application programs. The presentation layer is responsible for formatting and converting data and ensuring that the data is presentable for one application through the network to another application. The session layer is responsible for coordinating communication interactions between applications. The reliable transport layer is responsible for segmenting and multiplexing information, keeping straight all the various applications you might be using on your desktop, the synchronization of the connection, flow control, error recovery as well as reliability through the process of windowing. The network layer is responsible for addressing and path determination. The link layer provides reliable transit of data across a physical link. And finally the physical layer is concerned with binary transmission.

58 Presentation_ID © 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. 58

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