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The Bass Clef. Let’s start with a staff: A staff is five lines and the four spaces that are in between. __________________________________ __________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bass Clef. Let’s start with a staff: A staff is five lines and the four spaces that are in between. __________________________________ __________________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bass Clef

2 Let’s start with a staff: A staff is five lines and the four spaces that are in between. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

3 If you put a line on each side of a staff….. Then you get what’s called a measure! __________________________________ I_________________________________I I_________________________________I I_________________________________I I_________________________________I

4 Measures then form the lines that we put the music on I-----------------------------I-------------------------------I--------------------------------I----------------------------II I-----------------------------I-------------------------------I--------------------------------I----------------------------II I-----------------------------I-------------------------------I--------------------------------I----------------------------II These measures and lines are used for treble OR bass clef! The thing that makes the difference is the symbol at the front.!

5 Bass Clef Symbol

6 With the bass clef symbol on the clef, we play or sing lower notes. Each line and space will symbolize a note for us to play or sing For the purpose of this presentation, I will be only using whole notes, but any kind of rhythm can be used on the staff.

7 Here is a bass clef on the staff:

8 Now for the notes! Remember, in music the notes go from A- G then repeat ABCDEFGABCDEFGABCDEFG etc. ALWAYS Use capital letters when talking about the notes on the staff!

9 We begin giving the lines and spaces letter names from BOTTOM to TOP

10 The lines are: G B D F A

11 Also known as: G reat B ig D ogs F ight A lways

12 Or: G reat B ig D reams For A mericans

13 The lines on the clef look like this

14 The Spaces are: A C E G

15 Also known as: A ll C ars E at G as

16 Or: A ll C ows E at G rass

17 Or: A ll C ats E at G arbage


19 The Spaces on the clef look like this:

20 All the notes on the staff look like this:

21 In the next few weeks, we will be learning more about these notes!

22 The End

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