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Presentation on theme: " Promoting excellence in social security ICT Industry Forum: Perspectives and solutions Introductory presentation Franck."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting excellence in social security ICT Industry Forum: Perspectives and solutions Introductory presentation Franck Schwartz Director, Information Systems Architectures, National Family Allowances Fund, France 14th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Social Security 2 – 4 September 2015 | Astana, Kazakhstan

2 Promoting excellence in social security Outline Background and context. General goals Developing a strategic cooperation with the industry 05/12/2015 2

3 Promoting excellence in social security 05/12/2015 3 Background and context The citizen should be in the center / focus of our efforts.  E.g. granting benefits in real time (e-procedures) Connect institutions’ to provide appropriate services to citizens according to their rights:  The accurate right at the good time, based on the good data at the good time. Customer’s situations are very diverse and regulations complex  Social security institutions have to validate the status of customers with other social institutions and taxes agencies.

4 Promoting excellence in social security 05/12/2015 4 Background and context ICT provides a major response to these aims.  Nevertheless security and traceability of inter-institutional exchanges constitute serious constrains. The political, legal and organizational definition to share services and data requires a strong institutional will. Constraints on the Information Systems are important:  Real-time Information Systems in the Back-Office.  Infrastructure to ensure exchange security (Cyber-crime, data protection, crypting, … experts).  Compatible interfaces (WSS) for business applications (Legacy)

5 Promoting excellence in social security 05/12/2015 5 Background and context Several standards as well as software development frameworks (Internet, Tablets, Mobile, … ) Vendors' offers are very large:  Sometimes standardized, sometimes proprietary. Data is the backbone of inter-institutional exchanges.  Asynchronic and synchronic services are the “moving part”. Emerging Open Data concepts and the usage of data outside of confidence spheres (Hackathon)  Are shaking existing sharing approaches.

6 Promoting excellence in social security General goals Exploit and share data in a secured way. Build “ready to use” services for our partners. Use interoperability standards:  X509, HTTPS avec TLS, SOAP, WSS, SAML, XML, Portlet’s (JSR 168), ESB, etc… (the current ones !) Carry out & capitalize and successful operations  Generic models Identify institutions’ needs and determine implementation solutions (semantic and technical) Identify requirements (to chart) and implemented solutions  Obtain models 05/12/2015 6

7 Promoting excellence in social security General goals Find common solutions generating a economy of scale:  Development platforms, performance testing, reusable components, assessment models, … ) Define partnership and development agreements between the ICT Industry and the ISSA. Put into practice a dynamic of implementing building social services through POC (Proof Of Concept) and POT (Proof Of Technics). Reflect about models of Service Level Agreements for inter- institutional services to ensure service continuity 05/12/2015 7

8 Promoting excellence in social security Developing a strategic cooperation with the industry: Aspects involved Establishing a common language and/or model. Technical aspects - standards and specifications :  What standards emerge as relevant for social security ?  Information models: −For data exchange, Master Data, Big Data, Open Data, etc..  Component interfaces based on a SOA approach. −With and without Human Machine Interface 05/12/2015 8

9 Promoting excellence in social security Developing a strategic cooperation with the industry: Technical Aspects Standards and specifications - Models:  Models for Service Directories based on standards (WSDL, UDDI, …)  Models for implementing ESB (Enterprise Services Bus)-based systems.  Models for shared services (for clusters of institutions): −Implementing SaaS / PaaS.  Define models for Cloud and IaaS. 05/12/2015 9

10 Promoting excellence in social security Developing a strategic cooperation with the industry: Technical Aspects Standards and specifications – Steps :  Identify operational solutions: −Interops, Crossroads Bank, SwifNet, etc.  Determine non covered needs.  Establish ISSA label on operational solutions to be reused.  Carry out joint programme with ICT Industry on industrialization of solutions: −Looking for Win-Win partnerships.  Capitalize our existing services and build an community for exchanging solutions and support fostering reusability. 05/12/2015 10

11 Promoting excellence in social security Synergy with ISSA products and services Establishing a synergy with existing ISSA products and services. ISSA guidelines:  Constitute a basic standard on ICT-application. −Common language ?  Enables the connection with other areas in social security: −Guidelines on Contribution Collection, Service Quality, Prevention- related topics, Investment and Actuarial studies (ongoing), etc.  Could be extended / complemented by more detailed specifications. Towards ISSA compliant products and services ? 05/12/2015 11

12 Promoting excellence in social security Developing a strategic cooperation with the industry: Conclusions Business-related aspects:  Business models supporting different initiatives.  Contractual models (short vs. long term amortization, etc.) Organization and planning:  Synergy with existing ISSA products and services. Existing initiatives that may be taken as basis:  Interoperability and data exchange in social security and International agreements  … Shared Services taking advantage of advanced technologies  E.g. (Cloud Computing, shared services, Mobile computing, etc. 05/12/2015 12

13 Promoting excellence in social security 05/12/2015 13 Q&AQ&A

14 Promoting excellence in social security 05/12/2015 14

15 Promoting excellence in social security Context and goals Growing complexity of social security ICT-based systems.  Growing scope of social security (more programmes and functions).  Costs and complexity of system evolution (not only development). Benefit of component standardization :  Enable a divide-and-conquer approach for very large systems.  Enable standardization and interoperability of software packages implementing social security functions.  Reduce risks and costs of application development and evolution: −Reusing component specifications and implementations. −Improve control of evolution and its impact. 15

16 Promoting excellence in social security Standardizing components: Existing techniques and models Technologies for component design and implementation: Service Oriented Architectures: design languages and patters. Middleware platforms for SOA (Java/MS components, WS, ESB, etc.). Industry proposals:  Business models and software packages in other business areas.  Social security: more recent developments: −Business models, frameworks, software packages. 16

17 Promoting excellence in social security Master Data - Potential working topics Information model:  Pre-built model (e.g. in UML) specifying objects and relationships.  Benefits: −Reduce costs, time and risks of analysis and design tasks. −Direct input for software implementation. Governance and Management.  Roles and processes to manage social security Master Data.  Benefits: Clarify management process and responsibilities. Data Quality model:  Taking into account ISO 8000 and specific social security aspects.  Benefits: Systematic and implementable Data Quality ensurance methods. Service interfaces:  Master Data as a SOA-based component.  Benefits: Standardize connection with social security applications. 17

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