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CloudRoom: A Conceptual Model for Managing Data in Space and Time Lucia Terrenghi, Thomas Lang, Martin Richartz Vodafone GROUP R&D Kátia Serralheiro Human-Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "CloudRoom: A Conceptual Model for Managing Data in Space and Time Lucia Terrenghi, Thomas Lang, Martin Richartz Vodafone GROUP R&D Kátia Serralheiro Human-Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 CloudRoom: A Conceptual Model for Managing Data in Space and Time Lucia Terrenghi, Thomas Lang, Martin Richartz Vodafone GROUP R&D Kátia Serralheiro Human-Computer Interaction Institute Carnegie Mellon University CHI 2010, April 10–15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. ACM

2 Outline Background and motivation Cloud computing and user experience Challenges and design rationale The Cloudroom Related work and discussion

3 Background and motivation Cloud, Real time. Everything, Every time. A new interface. Raising a constructive discussion. user experience and mental model.

4 Cloud computing and user experience 1/3 Iterations of qualitative user studies. Through out these activities main goals were to : 1.Current practice of storage and sharing of data. 2.How data is accessed and used across an ecology of devices. 3.Investigate motivation and barriers of using web applications.

5 Cloud computing and user experience 2/3 Structure their data into thematic folders. Folders are labeled with specific name. Trade-off between safety and accessibility. Automated organization would be desirable.

6 Cloud computing and user experience 3/3 People prefer using portable device. Different situation for different requirement. Share ability and collaboration.

7 Challenges and design rationale 1/3 Designed a concept which tackles the following challenges: 1.A trade-off between ownership and delegation of control. 2.An ecology of devices.

8 Challenges and design rationale 2/3 Made the following assumptions : – The time emerged as a key criterion. – Using phone to shared data. – ‘Cloud views’ across devices. Designed the Cloudroom.

9 Challenges and design rationale 3/3

10 The Cloudroom 1/6 Structure, manipulate, retrieve and share. The concept is based on three dimensions.

11 The Cloudroom 2/6 First, the long-term storage for the organization of data in a certain location.

12 The Cloudroom 3/6 Second, the short-term manipulation of data in temporary sessions.

13 The Cloudroom 4/6 Third, the overview through time.

14 The Cloudroom 5/6 Time and space. Mobile device as the starting point of interaction. Multiple sessions in parallel. Provides an overview of the evolution of all data.

15 The Cloudroom 6/6

16 Related work and discussion A list visualization with hierarchical structure. Users can’t determine the number, type or size of the data within folders. To facilitate spatial orientation. User behaviors and technology trends – User interfaces for cloud computing.

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