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The home page of United States Department of Justice Was hacked on August 17, 1996.

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1 The home page of United States Department of Justice Was hacked on August 17, 1996


3 WWW Security Degui Cao ID: 100361 Professor: M. Anvari Southeastern University Fall 2000

4 1. Introduction World Wide Web (WWW) Web server faces three security risks: Bugs or misconfiguration problems Browser-side risks Interception Hacker definition

5 2. Comparison of two basic OS Unix System Windows NT system

6 3. Security problems With NT and Unix Security problems with NT Security problems with Unix

7 4. Security problems in software of WWW CGI JAVA JAVA Script

8 5. Procedures taken on www security File and file systems administration Ownership: user, group, other Permission: read, write, execute ls: attributes of the file and directory drwxrwxrwx www chmod: change the mode Firewall

9 Fig1. Firewall/proxy server

10 Types of fire walls Screening routers Proxy server gateway Stateful inspection technique Firewall policy Basic strategies defining firewall policy Default permit and Default deny Often firewall policies

11 Fig2. Screening router & Fig3. Proxy server

12 6. Conclusions Set up a good secure policy

13 7. Reference

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