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Innovators in image processing Hugo Vandamme: President & CEO Antoon Van Petegem: CFO.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovators in image processing Hugo Vandamme: President & CEO Antoon Van Petegem: CFO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovators in image processing Hugo Vandamme: President & CEO Antoon Van Petegem: CFO

2 Barco GraphicsPurup-Eskofot BPE 


4 Barco Graphics ETS Mania-Barco GmbH Packaging BPE Commercial PrintingBPE Industrial Printingspin off start up activity

5 Purup-Eskofot Commercial Printing BPE Newspaper PublishingBPE Quick Printing MarketBPE

6 SYNERGIES Barco GraphicsPurup-Eskofot PACKAGING workflow solution offset Computer-to-Plate devices flexo CtP prepress SW preproduction SW preproduction HW v v v v v v

7 SYNERGIES Barco GraphicsPurup-Eskofot COMMERCIAL PRINTING workflow solution offset CtP Small & Medium Size Very Large Format CtP scanning devices newspaper publishing workflow quick printing solutions digital prepress solutions for cartography printstreamer vv v v v v v v v

8 SYNERGIES Offers perfect synergies & compatibility in packaging and commercial printing markets Strong market position Promising future BPE

9 Combined sales of Barco Graphics & Purup-Eskofot: ± Euro 250 mio

10 SET UP OF MERGER 49% BARCO 51% KIRKBI A/S At closing BPE: participation of management BPE 

11 SET UP OF MERGER EQUALIZATION PAYMENT from Kirkbi to Barco: ± Euro 9 mio DEBT & CASH FREE KIRKBI invests > Euro 60 mio in Purup-Eskofot BARCO retrieves over Euro 10 mio cash  POSITIVE IMPACT ON EXCEPTIONAL RESULTS OF BARCO AT CLOSING

12 BPE Headquarters: Gent, Belgium Demo facilities: Gent, Belgium Management: William Schulin-Zeuthen now President & CEO Purup-Eskofot

13 Innovators in image processing

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