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Annual Measurable Objectives (trajectory targets).

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Measurable Objectives (trajectory targets)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Measurable Objectives (trajectory targets)

2 See your superintendent

3 Enter District Name and select Certification for Adequate Yearly Progress status

4 Select Display and District tab to access the district data (see next slide)

5 District data has been collapsed by grade spans: 3-5 6-8 11

6 Select Display and a Building tab to access building data (see next slide)

7 Building data is collapsed by the grade spans within a building. For example: 3-5 3-6 6-8 7-8 and 11 All students for participation Full Academic Year (FAY) only students for assessment

8 Focus on the proficiency of students who have been in the district or a building for a Full Academic Year (FAY)

9 Focus on the proficiency of students who have been in the district or a building for a Full Academic Year (FAY) 1. Building Name 7. Met or Missed AYP 6. Percent Proficient 5. Total FAY Students 4. Additional Meeting Growth 3. Number Proficient (including IAA) 2. Grade Configuration

10 Definition of Adequate Yearly Growth: The improvement (growth) that current non- proficient students are expected to make from one year to the next is depicted in the graph above. This plot shows the category boundaries for non-proficient students across grades. 31-40 NPR* 1-9 NPR 10-30 NPR* > 41 NPR

11 * The High Marginal region contains the scale score points that are within one standard error of measurement below the cut score for Proficient. The Lo Marginal region is the remaining part of the Marginal region. So…. 10-30 NPR and 31-40 NPR are estimations used here for explanation. Accurate calculations are grade level/scale score specific. Refer to the NCLB Growth Model Plan on the DE website for actual scale score ranges. 31-40 NPR* 1-9 NPR 10-30 NPR* > 41 NPR

12 This growth model is motivated by two guiding principles. First, Adequate Yearly Growth must be greater than expected growth in order to ensure that students are on track to proficiency. Second, growth trajectories must be maintained over time in order to be considered adequate. A student only makes AYG if that student attains a higher and previously unattained level of achievement. A particular student may only count for AYG a maximum of two times. 31-40 NPR* 1-9 NPR 10-30 NPR* > 41 NPR

13 Confidence Interval: 1.Multiple the school’s % proficient by the school’s % non- proficient 2.Divide the result by the average number of students for the biennium period. 3.Take the square root of your result. 4.Multiply that by 2.054 5.If you add this to your percent proficient, and it is equal to or greater than the state’s target, you’re OK. 6.If you subtract this from the state’s target, and the result is less than your percent proficient, you’re OK.



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