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Adequate Yearly Progress The federal law requires all states to establish standards for accountability for all schools and districts in their states. The.

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Presentation on theme: "Adequate Yearly Progress The federal law requires all states to establish standards for accountability for all schools and districts in their states. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adequate Yearly Progress The federal law requires all states to establish standards for accountability for all schools and districts in their states. The accountability system looks at the degree to which students across schools and districts are mastering the state standards The foundation for the accountability system is based on a state’s assessments. NCLB, now ESEA set the goal of 100% proficiency by the year 2014 with states setting incremental benchmarks. NJ State Board Meeting :12/1/10

2 Adequate Yearly Progress 95% Participation: Total students and each student subgroup with at least 40 students must have a participation rate of 95% or above on state assessments. Meet or Exceed Proficiency: Total students and each student subgroup with at least 30 students must meet the state's AYP benchmarks for the percentage of students scoring proficient or better on the state assessments. Secondary Measure: Each school, district, and the state as a whole must show progress on an additional measure (graduation rate for high school and attendance rate for elementary and middle schools).

3 Adequate Yearly Progress Student achievement is determined by grade span and each content area (LAL Math) in grades 3-8 and 11. Schools are judged by the performance of the total population and by the performance of subgroups. There are 40 indicators that must be met (including participation and proficiency rates) plus secondary indicators for each of the elementary, middle and HS grade spans. A safe harbor calculation is applied to determine if a school has made sufficient progress even if it has not met the proficiency target. When a school misses one or more indicator(s) they do not meet AYP in that subject area for that year.

4 State Benchmarks for AYP Starting Point 2003 2005200820112014 Language Arts Literacy Elementary Grades 3, 4, 5 6875*5979100 Middle Grades 6, 7, 8 58667286100 High School73798592100 MathematicsElementary Grades 3, 4, 5 5362*6683100 Middle Grades 6, 7, 8 39496180100 High School55647486100 * Transition year



7 School In Need of Improvement School Year2005-062006-072007-082008-092009-102010-11 SINI Schools (Year 2 and up )539555505440460657 Total Schools217322102217221522222228 Percent of SINI Schools (Year 2 and up )24.8%25.1%22.8%19.9%20.7%29.5% When a school misses AYP for two years in a row in the same content area- they are determined a School in Need of Improvement


9 School Status by Year Status YearNumber of Schools% Hold StatusTitle I schools Year 10150.7%15 Year 930%(2)3 Year 8632.8%41 Year 7140.6%(8)13 Year 6 - R-2452.0%(2)31 Year 5 - R-1411.8%(19)31 Year 4 - CA693.1%(5)57 Year 3 - SES1195.3%(23)86 Year 2 - Choice28812.9%(36)214 Hold status- met AYP for current year

10 Students with Disabilities AYPSINI Number of Schools Missed for SE755 Missed for SE only343 Total schools with SE subgroup 1255 Number of Schools Missed this year’s AYP for SE only 104 Total SINI Schools657

11 District AYP and Yearly Status District does not meet AYP: If the district missed AYP for any indicator in all grade spans by content area. District in Need of Improvement – (DINI) ▫Miss for any indicator in all grade spans for two consecutive years in same content area.

12 District Status by Year Year in StatusNumber of Districts% DINI 730.5% DINI 600.0% DINI 550.8% DINI 440.6% DINI 340.6% DINI 2101.6% DINI 1314.9%

13 Resources Title I Accountability ▫ y/ayp/1011/ y/ayp/1011/ Understanding Accountability: ▫ y/ayp/1011/understanding.pdf y/ayp/1011/understanding.pdf

14 Resources Schools in need of Improvement: ▫ y/ayp/1011/needimprovement.xls y/ayp/1011/needimprovement.xls Districts in need of Improvement: ▫ y/ayp/1011/dini/identified.pdf y/ayp/1011/dini/identified.pdf

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