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Published byKenneth Quinn Modified over 9 years ago
SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Operated for NASA by AURA COS Monthly Status Review 18 January 2007
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 2 of 19 Agenda Assess past scientific usage of STIS NUV MAMA detector – Include usage statistics from cycles 9-13 – Science programs include cool stars, hot stars, black hole accretion, ISM, IGM, galaxies, and QSOs Establish common ground for comparison of STIS and COS modes Comparison of STIS and COS efficiency and sensitivity Assess impacts of COS performance degradation on typical science
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 3 of 19 STIS Characteristics STIS NUV Usage (cycles 9-13) – E230M is main M mode component by exposure time usage – E230M usage is approximately 6% of HST exposure time – We will not consider G230M (R~10000) in subsequent comparisons FUV/NUV MAMA usage ratio – 59:41 split averaged over cycles 9- 13 Spectral Element Percent of total NUV usage (cycles 9-13) E230H16.6% E230M34.7% G230L33.5% G230M7.6% other7.5%
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 4 of 19 STIS Characteristics E230M Physical characteristics – R=30,000 (2 pixels) – Typical extraction height = 7 pixels – Resel to compare with COS (R=20,000): > 3 pixels x 7 pixels = 21 pixels – STIS NUV/MAMA Dark (on-orbit value) > Dark per pixel = 1.26 e-3 counts/sec/pixel > dark per COS-comparison resel (3x7) = 2.65 e-2 cts/sec/resel > WORST-CASE COS dark assumed = STIS on-orbit dark – Typical aperture for E230M is 0.2x0.2 > Aperture throughput is approximately 75%
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 5 of 19 COS Characteristics Estimate 1000 orbits of COS usage as upper limit – What is FUV/NUV ratio? We estimate 60:40 G185M, G225M, G285M characteristics – 0.0342 Å per pixel for G185M and G225M – 0.04 Å per pixel for G285M – In comparisons use native dispersions in 3-pixel resel COS/NUV MAMA resel and extraction box (21 pixels) – 3 pixels along dispersion – assume 7 pixel extraction height COS/NUV MAMA dark (ground values = best-case) – Dark per pixel = 2.10 e-4 counts/sec/pixel – Dark per 3x7 extraction box = 4.41e-3 cts/sec/box – WORST-CASE COS dark assumed = STIS on-orbit dark > 1.26 e-3 cts/sec/pixel > 2.65 e-2 cts/sec/extracted resel (3x7 pixels) Typical aperture is PSA: assumed throughput is 100%
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 6 of 19 The Degradation Scenario (from D. Leckrone) Linear extrapolation of observed degradation to 9/11/2008 launch date at ~ 0.5% per month yields additional ~11% loss of sensitivity before COS gets to orbit; compared to TV I values: – G285M will have lost ~25% throughput waiting to fly – G225M will have lost ~20% throughput waiting to fly In comparisons to follow, we have assumed 25% degradation (i.e., launch throughput = 0.75 x TV I throughput)
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 7 of 19 Variances in measured COS sensitivities in vacuum 2006/2003
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 8 of 19 Sensitivity Comparison: COS TV I vs STIS (no dark included) STIS aperture throughput included No COS degradation included No dark included
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 9 of 19 Sensitivity Ratio: COS TV I vs STIS (no dark included) STIS aperture throughput included No COS degradation included No darks included
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 10 of 19 Observing Efficiency Comparison: COS vs STIS – darks included
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 11 of 19 Observing Efficiency Comparison: COS vs STIS – darks included
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 12 of 19 Impacts – Single COS grating setting used Single COS grating setting used: – Bright limit (ignore background): simply increase science exposures to compensate for sensitivity loss: 1.25-1.3x to achieve same S/N > In bright limit: STIS/COS(no-loss) exposure ratio ~3x; so COS S λ must degrade to 0.33 TV I level for COS=STIS efficiency – Faint “limit”: > For a 40-orbit COS observation to achieve S/N=10 at 2500 Ǻ.: No-loss case with ground dark: F λ =2.0 e-16No-loss case with ground dark: F λ =2.0 e-16 No-loss case with worst-case dark: F λ =4.0 e-16No-loss case with worst-case dark: F λ =4.0 e-16 With 25% degradation and ground dark: F λ =2.5 e-16 ; however, this flux requires 26 orbits in no-loss case (1.5x longer with degradation)With 25% degradation and ground dark: F λ =2.5 e-16 ; however, this flux requires 26 orbits in no-loss case (1.5x longer with degradation) With 25% degradation and worst-case dark: F λ =5.5 e-16 ; however, this flux requires 24 orbits in no-loss case (1.7x longer with degradation)With 25% degradation and worst-case dark: F λ =5.5 e-16 ; however, this flux requires 24 orbits in no-loss case (1.7x longer with degradation) – the limiting flux for a STIS 40-orbit observation is 1.2e-15
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 13 of 19 Impacts – Multiple COS grating settings used Multiple COS grating settings used: – COS-to-STIS efficiency advantage scales as ratio of COS-to-STIS sensitivity advantage to the number of COS exposures required. > If COS is ~3x as efficient as STIS, then STIS is more efficient if more than 3 COS exposures are needed to map a spectral region – Approximately 15 COS exposures are needed to record the entire 1750- 3200 Ǻ region, which requires 2 STIS exposures – Approximately 8 COS exposures are needed to record the entire spectral region for a single STIS G230M exposure
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 14 of 19 Impacts: Ratios of exposure to achieve same S/N with degraded sensitivity ObjectFlux COS Exposure ratio to reach S/N = 10 25%-degraded S λ vs no-loss COS S λ with COS ground dark (with worst-case on-orbit dark) COS/STIS Exposure ratio to reach S/N = 10 25%-degraded COS S λ vs STIS S λ with COS ground dark (with worst-case on-orbit dark) 1.e-13 1.33 (1.34) 0.43 (0.44) 1.e-14 1.35 (1.41) 0.29 (0.36) 1.e-15 1.45 (1.64) 0.09 (0.24) 5.e-16 1.50 (1.69) 0.07 (0.23) 2.e-16 1.62 (1.74) [>40 orbits] 0.05 (0.22) [>40 orbits] 1.e-16 1.68 (1.76) [>40 orbits] 0.04 (0.21) [>40 orbits] 0.04 (0.21) [>40 orbits]
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 15 of 19 Impacts: Large STIS programs using E230M with ProgramID orbits / No. Targets F λ [S/N] Title/Comment 8111 (C. Sneden) 57 / 1 1.e-14 [S/N~40] CS22892-052: A Rosetta Star for the Age and Early History of the Galaxy (ultra-metal poor Halo star) 8471 (E. Jenkins) 40 / 1 1.1 e-15 [S/N<10] D/H in Quasar Absorption Line Systems 9040 (D. Reimers) 38 / 2 4. e-15 [S/N~15] Baryons in Intermediate Redshift (z > 1) O VI Absorbers (even split between targets) 9173 (J. Bechtold) 30 / 1 2. e-15 [S/N~10] The Pattern of Heavy Element Abundances in a Damped LyAlpha Galaxy 9186 (J. Webb) 45 / 2 5.e-15 [S/N~25] D/H in Lyman Limit 9359 (R. Cayrel) 48 / 1 3.e-14 [S/N=50] The Old Star CS31082-001, the Age of the Universe, and the Nature of the r-process (halo uranium star) 8673 (B. Jannuzi) 42 / 3 4. e-15 [S/N~15] The Properties of Lyman-Alpha Absorbers at Redshifts Between 0.9<z<1.5 10151 (cy 13 planned) (J. Howk) 130 / 6 1. e-14 Testing the Warm-Hot IGM Paradigm (6 targets / even split between FUV and NUV)
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 16 of 19 Impacts: COS Orbits Required to Execute Large STIS programs using E230M (worst-case COS dark) with ProgramID orbits / No. Targets F λ [S/N] COS grating settings COS orbits no-loss S λ Total orbits needed COS orbits degraded S λ Total orbits needed 8111 (C. Sneden) 57 / 1 1.e-14 [S/N~40] 815/setting12020/setting160 8471 (E. Jenkins) 40 / 1 1.1 e-15 [S/N<10] * 8 6/setting4810/setting80 9040 (D. Reimers) 38 / 2 4. e-15 [S/N~15] 3 8/setting2412/setting36 9173 (J. Bechtold) 30 / 1 2. e-15 [S/N~10] 3 5/setting158/setting24 9186 (J. Webb) 45 / 2 5.e-15 [S/N~25] 8 10/setting8014/setting112 9359 (R. Cayrel) 48 / 1 3.e-14 [S/N=50] 8 15/setting12020/setting160 8673 (B. Jannuzi) 42 / 3 4. e-15 [S/N~15] 8 9/setting7213/setting104 10151 (J. Howk) 130 / 6 1. e-14 2 33/setting6647/setting94 *=at STIS detection limit
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 17 of 19 Impacts E230M used in programs requiring 1573 orbits over 7 cycles (excluding snaps and HDF-S) – Corresponds to ~225 orbits per cycle or 6-7% of HST observations per cycle There were long E230M observations of faint targets: 430 of 1573 orbits were in programs requiring more than 15 orbits per E230M grating setting – About half of these are at the STIS effective faint limit (1-5 e-15) – Most of remainder are brighter targets (~1.e-14) requiring higher S/N (25-50). > These brighter targets are in the flux range where COS exposures are not seriously impacted by background considerations; hence COS exposure will scale with inverse of COS sensitivity degradation. For the flux-level of faintest STIS targets (~1.e-15) COS exposures would be increased by 50-60% due to the assumed 25% sensitivity degradation: – However, as noted in table on slide 14, at these flux levels a 25%-degraded COS is still 4x more efficient than STIS.
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 18 of 19 Impacts: Summary and Questions For observing the fainter targets with degraded S λ, two considerations important: – Brighter limiting flux for observation at a particular S/N – Increase of exposure time to reach a target at a specific S/N For most STIS targets the modest difference in COS limiting flux due to the degradation does not appear to be an important consideration Targets with the faintest fluxes attempted by STIS (~1.e-15) in 40 orbits are important, but with 25% degradation and worst-case background would require ~12-13 orbits for a single grating setting with COS (or ~7-8 orbits if no degradation). – Question: is 8 versus 12 orbits significant for science at this flux level? > Depends on number of targets and/or COS grating settings required > In most cases where multiple COS grating settings are needed; COS probably would not be chosen as the SI of choice The difference in limiting flux between 25% degradation and no degradation (for S/N=10 at 2500 Å and worst-case background) is 6. e-16 versus 4. e-16 (or for best-case dark, 2. e-16) – Is there any significant new science in this regime that might be achievable with an un-degraded COS? > Most new discovery space expected to be with FUV channel
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 19 of 19 Impacts: Summary For the degradation scenario considered here, our assessment of the impact on likely GO science yields no compelling reason for NUV grating change
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 20 of 19 Background information
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 21 of 19 NUV Sensitivity: using COS TV I S λ STIS sensitivities assume zero slit losses; typical loss is ≥20%. Darks are not included.
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 22 of 19 COS offset by apparent 20% NUV decline STIS sensitivities assume zero slit losses; typical loss is ≥20%. Darks are not included.
Keyes – 18 January 2007 Slide 23 of 19 FUV Sensitivity: using COS TV I S λ STIS sensitivities assume zero slit losses; typical loss is ≥20%. Darks are not included.
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