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“Unified Communications” Todd Landry Sphere Communications.

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2 “Unified Communications” Todd Landry Sphere Communications

3 Unified Communications in the FUTURE…

4 Unified Communications is certainly not about more buttons to push!

5 Ultimately, Unifying Communications is about creating a more effective business.

6 Businesses seek Efficiency & Productivity Efficiency & Productivity through Business Applications through Business Applications

7 Decisions & Actions in Business Dependent on Effective People-to-People Collaboration

8 … is the Real Opportunity. Lowering the friction of People-to-People Collaboration

9 People Communications Business Applications Business Applications CRM ERP SCM HR Transactions & Tasks Decisions & Actions SOA: Services Sharing

10 Business Applications Business Applications People Communications CRM ERP SCM HR PBX “Telecommunications”

11 Business Applications Business Applications People Communications CRM ERP SCM HR PBX Unified Communications Services

12 Business Applications Business Applications People Communications CRM ERP SCM HR Unified Communications Services

13 Contextual Communications

14 IP HumanResourcesSystem UnifiedCommunicationsServices 1 - New Employee Profile = X Start = Y 2 - New Employee Profile = - Desk location - Department - Allowances Transparent Administration

15 1 – Employee TERMINATE 2 – Employee DISABLE HumanResourcesSystem UnifiedCommunicationsServices Transparent Administration IP

16 Unified Communications… … will be more Services Oriented Services Oriented

17 TechnologyEnablers BusinessValues UnifiedCommunications Productivity Productivity Secure IM Secure IM Less Vmail Tag Less Vmail Tag Online Directory Online Directory User Call Mgt User Call Mgt Mobility Mobility Multimode Multimode Presence Engine Presence Engine Desktop Video Desktop Video Text Messaging Text Messaging Unified Msg’ing Unified Msg’ing SIP SIP Services-Oriented Services-OrientedCommunications BPO BPO Streamlining Streamlining Automation Automation FTE Savings FTE Savings Federating Federating Efficiency Efficiency Web Services Web Services XML,SOAP XML,SOAP WSDL,UDDI WSDL,UDDI VXML,SALT VXML,SALT CCXML CCXML SIP Trunking SIP Trunking VoIP VoIP Network Speed Network Speed Network QoS Network QoS Voice Packetizing Voice Packetizing Voice Appliances Voice Appliances Mature IP-PBXs Mature IP-PBXs TCO TCO MAC Savings MAC Savings FTE Savings FTE Savings Common wire Common wire #Plan Efficiency #Plan Efficiency New Foundation New Foundation ConvergedNetworks IP Communications Evolution

18 Business-to-BusinessCollaboration

19 Dial 8 to get back to Legacy ! Enterprise Media Gateway PSTN Carrier Media Gateway Carrier IP Infrastructure Carrier Softswitch Carrier Media Gateway CLASS Switch CLASS Switch My Carrier TDMIP TDM IP My Supplier

20 SIP Trunking Opens the Door Enterprise Media Gateway PSTN Carrier Media Gateway Carrier IP Infrastructure Carrier Softswitch Carrier Media Gateway CLASS Switch CLASS Switch My Carrier SIP-based Signaling My Supplier

21 PSTN Carrier IP Infrastructure Carrier Softswitch Carrier Media Gateway CLASS Switch My Carrier SIP-based Signaling SIP Trunking Opens the Door My Supplier TDM IP

22 All-IP B2B! Carrier IP Infrastructure Carrier Softswitch My Carrier SIP-based Signaling IP

23 All-IP B2B!

24 Marketing Procurement Sales Finance My Business Manufacturing Engineering Finance Sales My Supplier All-IP B2B!

25 Marketing Procurement Sales Finance My Business Engineering Finance Sales My Supplier Manufacturing People-to-People People-to-People

26 Marketing Procurement Sales Finance My Business Engineering Finance Sales My Supplier Manufacturing

27 Forget about your phone system. Start thinking about your business. Booth 910

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