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Presentation on theme: "source/Holocaust/Buna.html."— Presentation transcript:

1 source/Holocaust/Buna.html

2  What were they like?  Who were they?  How did they treat Elie and his father?

3  The French Girl: who is she?  Akiba Drumer: what happens to him?  The brothers: How do they help Elie?

4 Who are they? What are they after? What happens to them? How do they do the extractions?

5  Why does Elie get whipped?  His father is beaten by both Idek and Franek.  Why?

6  Who bombs Buna?  What are the prisoners rxn to what is left in the open?  What happens to the one who dares…  What do the prisoners hope will happen during the bombing?

7  What are they like?  What happens to them? "There is a place on earth that is a vast desolate wilderness, a place populated by shadows of the dead in their multitudes, a place where the living are dead, where only death, hate and pain exist." --Giuliana TedeschiGiuliana Tedeschi

8  Who gets hanged? Why?  What effect do these have on Elie?  What does he use to describe his feelings?  Who oversees the hangings?

9  Who oversees the selection?  Who wants to get selected? Why?  Who doesn’t avoid it?  What is the inheritance?  What does Elie compare it to?

10  Jewish New Year  Day of Atonement  How does Elie feel during these days?

11  What defines him here?  What is he always called in this chapter?  What has he lost?  What are his two jobs?  Who tries to scare him? (Job2)

12  Why is he there?  Conversations with his neighbor: Who does he have the most faith in?  What are the options when the Russians are near?  What might happen if he stays?  What are Jews forced to do before evacuating?  What are they called for the first time?

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