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ATLAS Data Challenges on the Grid Oxana Smirnova Lund University October 31, 2003, Košice.

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS Data Challenges on the Grid Oxana Smirnova Lund University October 31, 2003, Košice."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS Data Challenges on the Grid Oxana Smirnova Lund University October 31, 2003, Košice

2 2003-10-31 2 Large Hadron Collider: World’s biggest accelerator at CERN

3 2003-10-31 3 Collisions at LHC

4 2003-10-31 4 Physics Higgs: Clarify the origin of the spontaneous symmetry- breaking mechanism in the Electroweak sector of the Standard Model; origin of mass New forces (symmetries) New particles Super symmetries Substructure Etc…

5 2003-10-31 5 ATLAS: one of 4 detectors at LHC

6 2003-10-31 6 ATLAS: preparing for data taking

7 2003-10-31 7 Just finished: Data Challenge 1 (DC1) Event generation completed during DC0 Main goals of DC1:  Need to produce simulated data for High Level Trigger & Physics Groups  Reconstruction & analysis on a large scale learn about data model; I/O performances; identify bottlenecks etc  Data management Use/evaluate persistency technology Learn about distributed analysis  Involvement of sites outside CERN  Use of Grid as and when possible and appropriate

8 2003-10-31 8 DC1, Phase 1: Task Flow Example: one sample of di-jet events  PYTHIA event generation: 1.5 x 10 7 events split into partitions (read: ROOT files)  Detector simulation: 20 jobs per partition, ZEBRA output Atlsim/Geant3 + Filter 10 5 events Atlsim/Geant3 + Filter Hits/ Digits MCTruth Atlsim/Geant3 + Filter Pythia6 Di-jet Athena-Root I/OZebra HepMC Event generation Detector Simulation (5000 evts) (~450 evts) Hits/ Digits MCTruth Hits/ Digits MCtruth

9 2003-10-31 9 Piling up events

10 2003-10-31 10 DC1 in facts Integrated DC1 numbers:  56 institutes in 21 countries  120000 “normalized” CPU-days  5 × 10 7 events generated  ca 1 × 10 7 events simulated and reconstructed  70 TB produced More precise quantification is VERY difficult because of orders of magnitude complexity differences between different physics channels and processing steps 1. CPU time consumption: largely unpredictable, VERY irregular 2. OS: GNU/Linux, 32 bit architecture 3. Inter-processor communication: never been a concern so far (no MPI needed) 4. Memory consumption: depends on the processing step/data set: 512MB is enough for simulation, while reconstruction needs 1GB as minimum 5. Data volumes: vary from KB to GB per job 6. Data access pattern: mostly unpredictable, irregular 7. Data bases: each worker node is expected to be able to access a remote database 8. Software is under constant development, will certainly exceed 1 GB, includes multiple dependencies on HEP-specific software, sometimes licensed

11 2003-10-31 11 US-ATLAS EDG App. Testbed NorduGrid Grids for ATLAS

12 2003-10-31 12 US-ATLAS Grid: Virtual Data Toolkit Perhaps the largest facility in a single country CPU-wise  Very heterogeneous  But still within one country: little administrative and security- related problems VDT: a set of low-level Grid services  Globus is a major component: security, servers  Condor is used in a “reduced” manner: no parallelism  Chimera: a tool to interpret job description and perform job submission  Globus RLS is used for data management, BUT no workload management, no information system Active participation in pile-up and reconstruction stage, estimated at 3% of total ATLAS DC effort in these stages

13 2003-10-31 13 By the time EDG set up an Applications Testbed, ATLAS DC were already on the Grid in a production mode (NorduGrid, VDT) ATLAS-EDG Task Force was put together in August 2002 with the aims:  To assess the usability of the EDG testbed for the immediate production tasks  To introduce the Grid awareness to the ATLAS collaboration The Task Force had representatives both from ATLAS and EDG: 40+ members (!) on the mailing list, ca 10 of them working nearly full-time The initial goal: to reproduce 2% of the Dataset 2000 simulation on the EDG testbed; if this works, continue with other tasks The Task Force was the first of this kind both for EDG and LHC experiments ATLAS-EDG Task Force

14 2003-10-31 14 EDG: Execution of jobs It was expected that we can make full use of the Resource Broker functionality  Data-driven job steering  Best available resources otherwise Input files are pre-staged once (copied from CASTOR and replicated elsewhere) A job consists of the standard DC1 shell-script, very much the way it is done on a conventional cluster A Job Definition Language is used to wrap up the job, specifying:  The executable file (script)  Input data  Files to be retrieved manually by the user  Optionally, other attributes (maxCPU, Rank etc) Storage and registration of output files is a part of the job script: i.e., application manages output data the way it needs

15 2003-10-31 15 Simulation: many hurdles were hit  EDG could not replicate files directly from CASTOR and could not register them in the Replica Catalog  Replication was done via CERN SE. CASTOR team wrote a GridFTP interface, which helps a bit  Big file transfer interrupted after 21 minutes Also known Globus GridFTP server problem, temporary fixed by using multi-threaded GridFTP instead of EDG tools (later fixed by Globus)  Jobs were “lost” by the system after 20 minutes of execution Known problem of the Globus software (GASS Cache mechanism), temporary fixed on expense of frequent job submission (later fixed by Globus)  Static information system: if a site goes down, it should be removed manually from the index Due to Globus and OpenLDAP bugs; were never fixed as EDG changed to R-GMA  Plenty of other small problems; in general, every service was VERY unstable EDG developers went on working hard to fix it

16 2003-10-31 16 Reconstruction: improved service Similar task computing-wise, but smaller load  250 reconstruction jobs  ~500K events (~70 CPU-days)  Input originally resides at CASTOR, copied onto EDG sites via FTP mostly  Total of ~70 CPUs were available DatasetPhysics description# of filesLocation 2040 QCD di-jets, Et<70 GeV, lumi02 50Lyon 2043 QCD di-jets, Et<140 GeV, lumi02 50 25 CNAF 25 Milan 2044 QCD di-jets, Et<280 GeV, lumi02 50Cambridge 2045 QCD di-jets, Et<560 GeV, lumi02 100 20 Rome 30 CNAF 50 Lyon

17 2003-10-31 17 Much preparatory work needed Downgrade PBS version w.r.t. the EDG standard At the time, ATLAS needed RedHat7.3, and EDG – RedHat6.2; some merging was necessary Force install of some components – ignoring some dependencies Publish ATLAS RunTimeEnvironment in EDG Information System Installation procedures for ATLAS s/w differed from site to site:  Milan and CNAF: LCFG  Rome and Cambridge: by hand  Lyon: through AFS

18 2003-10-31 18 EDG tests: final reconstruction results Success rate:  Submitted jobs: 250 (by 4 different people)  Successful jobs: 248  out of which, resubmitted: ~35 14 for corrupted input file 15 remained in “Status = Ready” 5 for HPSS problems (HPSS timed out)  Failed jobs: 2 NOT due to GRID failures:  one probably related to input file corruption  one created an abnormally small output Overall performance:  the RB needed maintenance only twice  Lyon was out for 2 days due to certificates problems  Otherwise, stability is encouraging  Still, a strong involvement of each site manager was necessary

19 2003-10-31 19 NorduGrid: how does it work All the services are either taken from Globus, or written using Globus libraries and API Information system knows everything  Substantially re-worked and patched Globus MDS  Distributed and multi-rooted  Allows for a mesh topology  No need for a centralized broker The server (“Grid manager”) on each gatekeeper does most of the job  Pre- and post- stages files  Interacts with PBS  Keeps track of job status  Cleans up the mess  Sends mails to users The client (“User Interface”) does the Grid job submission, monitoring, termination, retrieval, cleaning etc  Interprets user’s job task  Gets the testbed status from the information system  Forwards the task to the best Grid Manager  Does some file uploading, if requested

20 2003-10-31 20 The resources ClusterProcessor typeCPUsMemory Monolith Intel Xeon 2200 MHz3922048 Seth AMD Athlon 1667 MHz234850 Parallab Pentium III 1001 MHz622048 Lund Farm Pentium III 450 MHz48256 Lund Farm Pentium III 800 MHz32512 LSCF Dual AMD Athlon MP 1800+ MHz32512 Ingvar AMD Athlon 908 MHz31512 SCFAB AMD Athlon 950 MHz22512 Oslo Pentium III 1001 MHz19256 Grendel AMD Athlon 1007 MHz13256 Lund Pentium III 1001 MHz7512 NBI AMD Athlon 1200 MHz6512 Uppsala Pentium III 870 MHz4512 Bergen Pentium III 1001 MHz4256 Very heterogeneous: no identical installations!

21 2003-10-31 21 Running ATLAS DC1 April 14, 2002: first live public demonstration of a PYTHIA job May 23, 2002: first simulation tests  Information system in place  Grid manager has basic capabilities  User Interface can do simple matchmaking  RPMs of ATLAS software are introduced; have to be installed by each site manager July-August 2002: real work  Simulation: 300 partitions of the dataset 002000 (July 25 to August 8)  Total absence of a conventional “fall back” solution  All the input files are replicated to all the sites  First real test – surprisingly, it did not fell apart Intermittent problems with the Replica Catalog: unstable Some glitches in MDS And of course our own bugs But it was possible to upgrade “on fly” And we were not the last!

22 2003-10-31 22 Running ATLAS DC1 (contd.) Fall 2002: NorduGrid is no longer considered a “test”, but rather a facility  Non-ATLAS users at times are taking over  Simulation of the full dataset 2003 (1000 output partitions, August 31 to September 10)  Introducing new features in order to meet pile-up demands Winter 2002-2003: running min. bias pile-up  Dataset 002000 (300 partitions, December 9 to 14)  Dataset 002003 – full (February 11 to March 5, upgrade in the middle)  Some sites can not accommodate all the needed min. bias files, hence jobs are not really data-driven any longer Spring-summer 2003: reconstruction (2 stages)  The NorduGrid facilities and middleware are very reliable (people at times forget it’s actually a Grid setup)  Apart of our “own” data, 750 other partitions are taken over from US and Russia Logistical problems of having certificates mutually installed!  No data-driven jobs The biggest challenge – to “generalize” the ATLAS software to suit everybody and to persuade big sites to install it No alternatively available conventional resources! If NorduGrid fails, ATLAS DC1 is in trouble.

23 2003-10-31 23 Accommodating the data Every mass production period increases amount of data to be stored  At the moment, ca. 4 TB is occupied Existing Storages:  Oslo: 4×1 TB  Umeå: 600 GB  Linköping: 1 TB  Lund: 1.2 TB Within a couple of years, and with other applications coming, we would need an order (or 2?) of magnitude more Serious Data Management System is badly needed StageInput dataOutput data Simulation 00200020 GB320 GB Simulation 002003160 GB440 GB Pile-up 002000320 GB450 GB Pile-up 002003440 GB900 GB Extra600 GB Reconstruction 0020001.1 TB9 GB Extra750 GB Reconstruction 002001750 GB10 GB

24 2003-10-31 24 NorduGrid DC1: Summary All tasks are performed in the Grid environment  Input/output data transfer and management  Job execution  Monitoring Total CPU-time: 6500 NCPU-days  Approximately 15% contribution to ATLAS DC1 in the latest phase Phase 1: Input 176 GB → Output 760 GB Phase 2: Input 1080 GB → Output 1440 GB Phase 3: Input 5 TB → Output 40 GB Very fast development from testbed to real production-level Grid.  NorduGrid functionality is driven by the needs from DC1  Stability and reliability are very impressive: no extra efforts from sysadmins are required  Hardware failures are inevitable, but clever job recovery mechanisms are still missing

25 2003-10-31 25 Summary ATLAS DC ran on Grid since summer 2002 (NorduGrid, US Grid)  Future DCs will be to large extent (if not entirely) gridified Grids that we tried:  NorduGrid – a Globus-based solution developed in Nordic countries, provides stable and reliable facility, executes all the Nordic share of DCs  US Grid (iVDGL/VDT) – basically, Globus tools, hence missing high-level services, but still serves ATLAS well, executing ca 10% of US DC share  EU DataGrid (EDG) – way more complex solution (but Globus-based, too), still in development, not yet suitable for production, but can perform simple tasks. Did not contribute significantly to DCs, but extensive tests were conducted Grids that are coming:  LCG: will be initially strongly based on EDG, hence may not be reliable before 2004  EGEE: another continuation of EDG, still in the preparation state  Globus moves towards Open Grid Services – may imply major changes both in existing solutions, and in planning

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