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Liver Pathology A Series of Seminars by Peter J Scheuer, Professor Emeritus, Royal Free and University College Medical School of University College London.

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Presentation on theme: "Liver Pathology A Series of Seminars by Peter J Scheuer, Professor Emeritus, Royal Free and University College Medical School of University College London."— Presentation transcript:


2 Liver Pathology A Series of Seminars by Peter J Scheuer, Professor Emeritus, Royal Free and University College Medical School of University College London 2001 Press enter or return C Peter J Scheuer 2001

3 How to use the course The seminars have been made using Microsoft PowerPoint, but you do not need to have this installed on your computer because a PowerPoint Viewer is included To move to the next screen, press “enter” or “return” on your keyboard, or click the left mouse button. To go back to a previous screen press the left arrow on your keyboard  Enter, return 

4 Who should use the course? It can be used by pathologists wanting to know more about liver pathology, as well as by hepatologists and gastroenterologists Non-medical scientists working in hepatology and related fields may find it useful Medical students can use it as a learning resource

5 The Contents There are 12 seminars, comprising over 300 images and text slides. Photomicrographs were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 990 digital camera mounted on a Zeiss Axioskop microscope The time taken to go through all 12 seminars depends on you, but is likely to be around 4 hours Each screen is accompanied by an unscripted narration. Make sure that this has finished before going on to the next screen

6 The twelve seminars Normal liver and biopsy examination Biliary disease Alcohol-related liver disease Drugs and toxins Hepatitis Cirrhosis Tumours and nodules Vascular diseases Childhood and metabolic diseases Disorders of copper and iron metabolism Systemic diseases Transplantation

7 Thank you! Several colleagues helped me to construct this course They included Professor AP Dhillon, Mr Arjun Dhillon, Dr Nidhi Prasad, Mr John Difford, Mr Paul Bates, Mr Francis Moll and Ms Jackie Lewin

8 Peter J Scheuer 2001 Peter J Scheuer has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work This CD is made available subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be copied, sold or hired out without the author’s prior consent C

9 Opening the seminar files The seminars are in the root directory of this CD and are accessible from the PowerPoint Viewer menu. To start a seminar, click on its name and press the SHOW button

10 You are now ready to start Close this introduction and open the seminar of your choice If you have comments or criticisms, you can contact me by email at this address:

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