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Estrogen + progesterone Watch for thrombus formation, avoid if px has estrogen- dependent neoplasm risk factors.

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Presentation on theme: "Estrogen + progesterone Watch for thrombus formation, avoid if px has estrogen- dependent neoplasm risk factors."— Presentation transcript:

1 estrogen + progesterone Watch for thrombus formation, avoid if px has estrogen- dependent neoplasm risk factors

2 raloxifene Selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM)

3 alendronate bisphophonate

4 risedronate bisphophonate

5 zoledronate Bisphophonate good treatement for malignant hypercalcemia

6 pamidronate Bisphophonate good treatement for malignant hypercalcemia

7 ibandronate bisphophonate Too weak to prevent non- vertebral fractures

8 denosumab RANKL antibody For osteoporosis

9 teriparatide(hPTH 1-34) Bone anabolic agent

10 hPTH 1-84 (investigational) Bone anabolic agent Not approved b/c of hypercalcemia

11 fluoride (investigational) Bone anabolic agent

12 aluminum hydroxide oral phosphate binder Avoid b/c of aluminum toxicity

13 calcium carbonate/acetate oral phosphate binder Watch for hypercalcemia

14 sevelamer oral phosphate binder Best treatment

15 ergocalciferol Vitamin D2: equivalent biological activity to D3

16 calcifediol 25(OH)D

17 calcitriol 1,25(OH) 2 D 2

18 doxercalciferol Synthetic vitamin D analogue, activated in liver

19 paricalcitol Synthetic vitamin D analogue

20 cinacalcet calcimimetic—decreases PTH secretion

21 calcium gluconate given via IV

22 calcium chloride given via IV

23 calcium carbonate given PO

24 calcium citrate given PO

25 calcium lactate given PO

26 potassium phosphate Inorganic phosphate

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