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DATA and STATISTICS … at your service! S.Mowers & the GSG team ©2009, University of Ottawa.

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Presentation on theme: "DATA and STATISTICS … at your service! S.Mowers & the GSG team ©2009, University of Ottawa."— Presentation transcript:

1 DATA and STATISTICS … at your service! S.Mowers & the GSG team ©2009, University of Ottawa

2 Professor E. Diem INTRODUCTION

3 Professor E. Diem Type of Data, 1 Administrative and Registry Data –For example, hospitals: care, (e.g., admittances, duration of stays), disease… health centres: services, disease –And includes vital statistics (births, deaths, marriages, …) –WHO was the first person to collect hospital administrative data?

4 Professor E. Diem Type of Data, 2 Survey Data (including household surveys, e.g., through Statistics Canada) 100% –The Census of Population (every five years) Population Samples –The Canadian Community Health Survey –The National Population Health Survey etc. etc. The academic community has data access through the Data Liberation Initiative with Statistics Canada, (contact Susan), and to CIHI data by individual request, (Web site to follow).

5 Professor E. Diem In other words, Statistics come from… … DATA Data are processed to become Statistics Person 1…2

6 Professor E. Diem From Data to Statistics 000031214110011982001212222221002098200121222 222401121111241112121112205020197111971021212 222225211026121204300140955720411313022111999 901978787879702221411271412400315000616611232 222222221111172626162212222666666636212000 000041100110011101102122222221002009200212222 222021111111231212111211208120193811938044122 222221111052201203901007504721031191012233520 406058787870304221303420708300400001420007111 222122211721575656565555555666666656565000 Person 1 Person 2 Raw coded data (confidential)Anonymized data (PUMF) Statistics Summarized/aggregate data (Statistics) Data Liberation Initiatve COOL RDC Public

7 Professor E. Diem OFFICIAL STATISTICAL SOURCES Major Government Departments and Agencies Publishing Studies and Information on Health* Health Canada…Health Canada Public Health Agency of Canada Statistics Canada …– Analytical Studies Canadian Institute for Health Information Provincial/Territorial Ministries of Health Canadian Institutes of Health Research Pan American Health Organization World Health Organization *page thanks to T. Rokolj, U.Ottawa librarian, GSGWorld Health Organization

8 Professor E. Diem So, statistics can be presented in many ways, as… - a table of numbers, - a few numbers in a newspaper article etc, - a graph, * * see Graph types and …Graph types

9 Professor E. Diem … AS A MAP

10 Professor E. Diem How to Cite Statistics Canada products Main Web page XIE2006001.htm XIE2006001.htm

11 Professor E. Diem Part II: SURVEYS

12 Professor E. Diem Survey Datasets Browse the DLI survey collection on the Web including questionnaires, abstracts and data codebooks for the Public- Use Microdata Files (PUMFs) Available DLI surveys (Browse)

13 And more about Get data on … Professor E. Diem

14 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) 1.Largest health survey in Canada, Over 131,000 respondents from more than approximately 140 health regions (from 2001-Current). Cross-sectional survey. 2.Very detailed data on health status and health system (e.g., access/use), and correlates of health including economic, social, occupational, demographic and environmental indicators; 3.Statistics Canada publishes extensive CCHS statistics in various products including Health Indicators, a database of statistical tables (to be demonstrated); 4.Special CCHS topics now all included in one survey (issued every 2 years) 2002 (cycle 1.2): Mental Health and Well-Being, 2004 (cycle 2.2): Nutrition …

15 Professor E. Diem And hundreds of potentially relevant surveys General Social Surveys annual topics, aging, social support, health (1985 and 1991) etc 2001 Post-censal Surveys (every 10 years) Aboriginal People’s Survey 2001 Includes health topics Participation and Activity Limitation Survey 2001 Disabilities Ethnic Diversity Survey 2001 Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) – Tracks changes in smoking status, especially for populations most at risk, such as the 15 to 24 year olds. National Population Health Survey (NPHS), 1994/95-Current - longitudinal National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY/Kids survey) And many more, including other countries’ surveys and international surveys

16 Professor E. Diem Part III: ACCESS to HEALTH STATISTICS

17 Professor E. Diem Note Ask: Who collected and who sponsored the data collection? Can you identify how the data sources were collected and what and how the data was being measured? Official, sector/trade, academic and popular sources have differing levels of authority … further supported or refuted by the answers to the questions above

18 Professor E. Diem ACCESS to HEALTH STATISTICS - 1 These statistics covers both survey and administrative data

19 Professor E. Diem ACCESS to HEALTH STATISTICS StatCan Web site : - the Web site many access points ! WE HAVE A SUBJECT GUIDE for HEALTH STATISTICS - some public and some restricted sources on the site - we will start with the simple sources providing just a few general numbers, to detailed statistical tables and sources of statistical commentary and analysis

20 Professor E. Diem ACCESS to HEALTH STATISTICS StatCan Web site : - the Web site many access points ! THEREFORE WE HAVE A SUBJECT GUIDE for HEALTH STATISTICS - some public and some restricted sources on the site - we will start with the simple sources providing just a few general numbers, to detailed statistical tables and sources of statistical commentary and analysis Others : - Search CANSIM (via E-STAT) restricted (DLI/DSP) from Statistics Canada - Health Canada (public health) summaries of mostly administrative public health data … and don’t forget academic sources

21 Professor E. Diem Strategies for finding health stats (1) Look for a few numbers –Health Statistics (three examples) (2) Look for more detailed statistical tables –Find Statistics By subject (Statistics Canada) –Health Indicators (advanced statistical tables) –Search CANSIM via E-STAT (advanced statistical tables) –A Profile of Disability in Canada (3) Cross-tabulate health determinants and health outcomes –book a demo with Susan (4) Search for more detailed statistical commentary and analysis, will include statistical tables –General comments and GSG reference services

22 Professor E. Diem Overview – what’s where on Public Web sites Look for a few numbers –Summary tables (Statistics Canada) –The Daily (Statistics Canada) –Health in Canada (Statistics Canada) including Health Profile Look for more detailed statistical tables –Find Statistics By subject (Statistics Canada) –Health Indicators (Health Canada and Statistics Canada sources) –Search CANSIM via E-STAT (Health Canada and Statistics Canada sources) –Health Surveillance (Health Canada) Further search for more detailed statistical commentary and analysis, will include statistical tables

23 Professor E. Diem Strategy 1 LOOK FOR A FEW CURRENT NUMBERS (a) Health Summary Tables

24 Get Health Statistical Tables Professor E. Diem Starting with Getting a Few Numbers …

25 Professor E. Diem a) Select Health Summary tables

26 Major Health Summary Tables Professor E. Diem

27 All Statistics Canada Summary tables Professor E. Diem

28 Professor E. Diem #2, Search (e.g., “smokers”) … OR …

29 Professor E. Diem #3 Browse Health subheadings… one subject, “smoking”, can have 2 aspects

30 Professor E. Diem #4, Select table …

31 Professor E. Diem Strategy 1 continued … LOOK FOR A FEW CURRENT NUMBERS (b) The Daily

32 Professor E. Diem a) Select The Daily

33 Professor E. Diem #5, View table in full This table only displays to Ont., click on a province after Ont. to display 2 nd table

34 Professor E. Diem Strategy 1 LOOK FOR A FEW CURRENT NUMBERS (b) The Daily

35 Professor E. Diem Strategy 1 … SEARCH FOR A FEW NUMBERS IN (b) The Daily

36 Professor E. Diem Searching Formulate a question (What statistics can I find on mental illness?) ↓ Identify key concepts mental illness ↓ Use OR to combine like concepts e.g. illness OR ill OR disorder OR disease ↓ Use AND to combine key concepts e.g., mental* AND (illness or ill or disorder or disease)

37 Professor E. Diem Search The Daily … for synopses 1995 to today

38 Professor E. Diem A few numbers and commentary…

39 Professor E. Diem Strategy 1 LOOK FOR MORE DETAILED STATISTICAL TABLES (c) Health in Canada

40 Health in Canada Professor E. Diem

41 Health Profile ! Professor E. Diem

42 Strategy 2 LOOK FOR MORE DETAILED STATISTICAL TABLES (c) Find Statistics By subject

43 Professor E. Diem Statistics by Subject page

44 Professor E. Diem Here are some relevant health-related subjects to consider … (Births and deaths)

45 Professor E. Diem EXPLORE Statistics by Subject pages …

46 Professor E. Diem EXPLORE STATISTICAL TABLES e.g., preview of CANSIM tables of interest …

47 Professor E. Diem Description of table

48 Professor E. Diem EXPLORE STATISTICAL TABLES e.g., preview sample download page … ($$$ INSTEAD use a free version later to access this CANSIM table)

49 Professor E. Diem

50 Finish previewing and save your sources, or in case of CANSIM table, note down your Table number, e.g., 105-0112

51 Professor E. Diem Strategy 2 LOOK FOR MORE DETAILED STATISTICAL TABLES (b) Health Indicators

52 Professor E. Diem Library Population Health Statistics page

53 Professor E. Diem #1, View

54 Professor E. Diem #2, Data tables and maps

55 Professor E. Diem #3 Index to tables page


57 Professor E. Diem Library Population Health Statistics page

58 Professor E. Diem #1, Connect now…

59 Professor E. Diem Off campus access to E-Stat 1.Enter your library access account user name Your user name is the prefix of your e-mail account, e.g., bsmi072 for 2. Enter your password The password is the following format: YYMMDD?? where ?? represents the two last numbers of your social insurance number and YYMMDD represents your date of birth.

60 Professor E. Diem #2, Search CANSIM

61 Professor E. Diem #3, Many access options, see CANSIM by survey

62 Professor E. Diem “CANSIM by survey”, sort alphabetically… …example of rich content

63 Professor E. Diem #4, Search by table number

64 Professor E. Diem #5 Select your items working down the screen DEMO

65 Professor E. Diem #6, sample results

66 Professor E. Diem For researchers particularly interested in details of CANSIM tables … download Beyond 20/20 optional but recommended Click here

67 Professor E. Diem Strategy 2 LOOK FOR MORE DETAILED STATISTICAL TABLES (d) [Public] Health Surveillance

68 Professor E. Diem Public Health Surveillance

69 Professor E. Diem Example, Disease Surveillance Online breakdowns by : age, sex, provinces, time

70 Professor E. Diem Strategy 2 LOOK FOR MORE DETAILED STATISTICAL TABLES (e) A Profile of Disability in Canada 2001

71 Get Statistical Tables on Disabilities Professor E. Diem

72 Professor E. Diem Strategy 3: Further search for more detailed statistical commentary and analysis

73 Professor E. Diem Use your power searching everwhere! For example, on StatCan’s search (Advanced Search) feature…

74 Professor E. Diem For Statistics Canada publications (commentary and analysis) or more generally … Further browsing Index of downloadable Statistics Canada publications

75 Professor E. Diem research assistance at your service! Appointments welcomed Susan Mowers and GSG Team Morisset Library 3 rd Floor 613-562-5800 Extension 3634 AND THANK YOU!

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