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Recordkeeping Forum - Wellington - 05/09/20071 Government Recordkeeping Update September 2007 Greg Goulding Group Manager, Government Recordkeeping Group,

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Presentation on theme: "Recordkeeping Forum - Wellington - 05/09/20071 Government Recordkeeping Update September 2007 Greg Goulding Group Manager, Government Recordkeeping Group,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recordkeeping Forum - Wellington - 05/09/20071 Government Recordkeeping Update September 2007 Greg Goulding Group Manager, Government Recordkeeping Group, Archives New Zealand

2 Recordkeeping Forum - Wellington - 05/09/20072 Overview I.PRA Standards II.Audit Framework III.Recordkeeping Survey IV.Training V.EDRMS Interest Group VI.New Faces at Archives NZ

3 Recordkeeping Forum - Wellington - 05/09/20073 Standards Update Metadata Standard –Development well under way –Draft for public comment due in November –Contact Kate Jones Create and Maintain Standard –3 rd Advisory Group meeting held –Draft for public comment due in 6-8 weeks –Contact Stephen Clarke

4 Recordkeeping Forum - Wellington - 05/09/20074 Audit Framework PRA requires independent audit of recordkeeping practices: – in every public office – on a 5-10 year cycle – starting as soon as is reasonably practicable after April 2010 We are beginning a project to: – Identify the policies, standards, methodologies, procedures, practices and resources required – Obtain funding from government – Define our strategy and timetable This will involve consultation – watch out for this next year

5 Recordkeeping Forum - Wellington - 05/09/20075 Recordkeeping Survey 2007 3 rd annual survey of recordkeeping in public offices Contact: Patrick Power or Alice Patterson Initial results – Many more organisations assessing their compliance with the PRA – Appears to be a reduction in unauthorised disposal JunAugOctNov Survey ClosedInitial resultsAnnual Report on Recordkeeping Results sent to agencies

6 Recordkeeping Forum - Wellington - 05/09/20076 Training Information Leadership Consulting selected to develop and deliver three training courses: –Introduction to the Public Records Act –Disposal and Transfer of Public Records –Running a Local Archive Development to be completed by the end of the year Delivery to begin in early 2008 Contact: Alice Patterson

7 Recordkeeping Forum - Wellington - 05/09/20077 EDRMS Interest Group 120 members from over 50 organisations 3 rd meeting held last week Survey results of group have been released New members are welcome Further information available on our website:

8 Recordkeeping Forum - Wellington - 05/09/20078 New Faces at Archives NZ Claire Atkinson, Archivist, Appraisal

9 Recordkeeping Forum - Wellington - 05/09/20079 Further information Continuum website: Email Telephone 04 4995595

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