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Representative photo of the case Group name Group participants (without student number) [date]

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Presentation on theme: "Representative photo of the case Group name Group participants (without student number) [date]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Representative photo of the case Group name Group participants (without student number) [date]

2 Rak-43.3301 Repair Methods of Structures I (4 cr) Autumn 2015 2 Case name – condition survey The Presentation is to be limited to a maximum of 7 - 10 slides (15 + 5 minutes). The presentation is a supplementary part of your submission. It is to be aimed at an Audience / peer group which has read your report. The purpose of the presentation is to emphasise the main points and conclusions of your Condition Survey.

3 3 Rak-43.3301 Repair Methods of Structures I (4 cr) Autumn 2015 Introduction Objectives of the condition survey The limitations of the research Outline of visits (including dates, time and weather conditions)

4 4 Rak-43.3301 Repair Methods of Structures I (4 cr) Autumn 2015 Summary of the condition survey General description of investigation area, Details of condition of the investigated site (damage / deterioration extent) Recommended NDT methods (what and why) Recommended DT and Laboratory test methods (what and why) Consider simple bullet points avoiding excess text Provide photographs, sketches and plans as appropriate with annotations

5 5 Rak-43.3301 Repair Methods of Structures I (4 cr) Autumn 2015 Conclusions Conclusions you have reached following your investigation. General notes –Use consistent text and graphics (size of text to be easily read from a distance) –Provide title for each slide –Use indented text (consider bullets) –Practice and time your presentation individually and as a group –Avoid reading notes during the presentation – know your subject

6 6 Rak-43.3301 Repair Methods of Structures I (4 cr) Autumn 2015 Last slide Discuss group observations and self-criticism Invite questions / comments from audience

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