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Intelligent Blood Donor Network HITECH Medical Informational Services Pvt Ltd, Pune Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology (Pune Chapter)

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Presentation on theme: "Intelligent Blood Donor Network HITECH Medical Informational Services Pvt Ltd, Pune Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology (Pune Chapter)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intelligent Blood Donor Network HITECH Medical Informational Services Pvt Ltd, Pune Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology (Pune Chapter)

2 Intelligent Donor Registry Dr. Dileep Wani, Chairman ISBTI, Pune Dr. Rajeev Joshi, Director HITECH Medical Informational Services Pvt. Ltd.

3 Problems in manual registry Difficulty in maintaining donor information. Difficulty in identifying eligible donors in the geographical vicinity. Difficulty in notifying donors when a requirement arises and know their availability. Difficulty in finding and registering new donors. Difficulties in networking between hospitals and blood banks.

4 Salient features of our blood donor registry Ability to identify donors who have not donated blood in last 3 months. Ability to identify donors who have good response record for emergencies. Ability to identify donors with poor response record and avoid them. Ability to avoid pursuing same donors repeatedly by circulation of donors. Ability to efficiently locate and confirm donors for emergencies.

5 Our services are categorized as Donor registration : –Voluntary registration. –Voluntary donation. Blood requirement processing. –Routine requirement of blood bank to maintain stock –Emergency requirement of hospitals. Technology : SMS Web Gateway

6 Why SMS driven ?? 60%People use mobile SMS Popular than call Even Children can send SMS SMS to database Database to SMS Our experience with –Vaccination / Pregnancy

7 Facilities for the Donors Donors can indicate availability Non available donors can send reasons Deactivation for a period is possible Activation when user available again

8 Blood Bank Registration AROGYA BLDBNK is registration of blood bank AROGYA BLDBNK Name(* ) Address(* ) Area(* ) City(* ) Pincode(* ) Select forward replace * with blood bank registration information and send to 919246356765

9 BB Registration contd.. AROGYA BLDREG2 Email(* ) Website(* ) Registration No(* ) Last year Bags Collected(* ) Issued(* ) This completes registration process of blood bank. We will send a form by email which is to be returned with cheque/dd

10 Donor Registration AROGYA BLDDNR AROGYA BLDDNR GRP ABO(* ) Rh(* ) Age(* ) Sex(* ) Area(* ) City(* ) Pincode(* ) No of donations(* )

11 Donor Registration Contd.. AROGYA BLDDNI Date of last donation(* ) Pref blood bank 1(* ) 2(* ) 3(* ) AROGYA BLDDNN Name(* ) Surname(* ) Date of Birth(* ) Optional (for sending reminder to donate on date of birth)

12 Blood Requirement AROGYA BLDREQ AROGYA BLDREQ GRP ABO(* ) Rh(* ) We have designed two messages like this so that blood bank knows that the server is active and it is responding to the requests.

13 Processing at the server Donors matching blood request Not donated in last 4 months Female donors called only in daytime Donors near requesting blood bank No call to donor who repeatedly inactive Emergency call to donor who is active Send SMS to 5 eligible DONORS

14 Donor Availability AROGYA BLDAVL Y/N(* ) If NO upto (*dd/mm/yyyy) reason(* ) Required in Select forward, replace * with data and send to 919246356765 Donor will respond us with Y/N

15 Blood Donation at the bank AROGYA BLDDNTD BB1234 Whether donor has registered or not, he should be encouraged to send this message. We will provide posters to the blood bank which can be fixed at the area where donors are served tea/coffee after donation

16 On receiving BLDDNTD AROGYA BLDDNR Thanks for informing us about your blood donation. We will not send you any request in next 4 months. Pls ask your friends to register with us.

17 Revenue Model Blood bank will pay –Rs. 5000/= per anum We will accept –100 requests per month –for each request above 100, –we will charge Rs. 25 per request This is to ensure that –Service does not go into losses –Others do not pay for someone using it more

18 When we have good database Prevention of non-eligible donors coming to blood bank –Save our time –Save their time –Improve quality of blood –Retain the donors in the system

19 If Available = Y For women AROGYA BLDCHK Abortion in 3 months(Y/N ) Pregnancy (Y/N ) Breast feeding(Y/N ) Delivery during last year (Y/N) Having periods today(Y/N ) This will help non eligible donor coming to blood bank as well as save patients time

20 If Available = Y For both men and women AROGYA BLDCHK Took Alcohol in 24 hrs(Y/N ) Medicines in 72 hrs (Y/N ) Immunization in 1 mo (Y/N ) Illness in 3 mo (Y/N ) Surgery in 6 mo (Y/N ) Hospitalized in 1 yr (Y/N ) Chronic Disease (Y/N )

21 If BLDCHK = “Y” Thanks for sharing your medical information because of which you can not donate NOW. We will send you SMS after period of. Wish you speedy recovery. This will retain interest of the donor in our network.

22 If BLDCHK = “N” AROGYA BLDDNTD BB1234 Please visit and donate blood. After donation please forward this message to 919246356765. Thank you for your support


24 Please Join today..!! Intelligent Blood Donor Network of PUNE

25 SHANGHAI Daily Blood Administration Office said 97.1 percent of blood collected last year was donated voluntarily - compared to just 1.8 percent in 1999. In the past, most of the city's blood was collected through giving quotas to companies, government departments and universities. To mark World Blood Donor's Day tomorrow, the office is organizing online reservations for donations at



28 Your suggestions are welcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

29 thank you.. !!


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