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1 Integrated Development Programme Permanent Secretary MINAGRI DPCG 15 November 2007.

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1 1 Integrated Development Programme Permanent Secretary MINAGRI DPCG 15 November 2007

2 2 Content Background & Objectives of the programme Main activities, Implementation Strategy and Components Risks Conclusion

3 3 Background and Objectives  Programme builds on ongoing efforts, policies and programmes and aims to support farmers in what they do best MDG targets Vision 2020 EDPRS PSTA CAADP Investment recommendations Vision 2020 Umurenge National Decentralisation Strategy  This programme is implemented Across sectors, led by MINALOC, with MINAGRI, MINITERRE,MINICOM, MININFRA, MIFOTRA, MINEDUC ….

4 4 Main Components of IDP 1. Increased Agricultural Productivity: “Crop intensification”, “Green Rev” etc (MINAGRI) 2. Value addition and marketing (MINICOM) 3. Ecosystem Rehabilitation (MINITERE) 4. Resettlement: grouped settlement Imidugudu (MINITERE) 5. Development of off-farm activities (MINICOM) 6. Strengthening of rural financial systems (MINECOFIN) 7. Social protection and vulnerability management (MINALOC)

5 5 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY Coordination-MINALOC Roll out meetings held between all sectors Meetings held at all levels of local administration including Umudugudu Umurenge-implementing unit though Umudugudu Technical Assistance from relevant Sectors and Agencies-RADA, the OCIRs etc

6 IMPLEMENTATION AT LOCAL LEVEL 6 1.Sensitization on land preparation by sector agronomist 2.Farming demonstration by group leaders 3.Input distribution 4.Planting 5.Follow up on activities by Extension services during the whole season

7 7 Responsibilities at different levels LevelResponsibilities Central Gvt Availing inputs (Fertilizer, seeds, pesticides, etc) Province Coordination of activities in districts & advocacy Districts Planning, Coordination, monitoring, training, sensitization, reporting and accountability Umurenge Storage & distribution of inputs Akagari Mobilisation, Monitoring the distribution/supply of inputs Umudugudu Collect list of farmers who need inputs and process, follow-up of program at households level Household Efficient use of inputs, pay back inputs used at harvest, and organise into cooperatives

8 8 Umurenge: Storage and Distribution Contracts between different levels On Availability & Distribution of Inputs MINAGRI/RADA Households Contracts specifying: Crop, Area and Quantity of Inputs Districts On Distribution Imidugudu: Farmer registration (HHs) Akagari Farmer consultation and organization

9 9 Monitoring and Evaluation This programme in monitored by the National Steering Committee lead by MINALOC Local government teams composed of Governors and Mayors Technical teams at decentralized levels supervise activities Economic Change facilitators have been trained at all levels from Districts, Umurenge, Akagari and Umudugudu

10 10 Selected crops and targeted production in 2008A ProvinceCropArea ( ha ) Targeted production Yield Total production ( T/ha ) 2008 (MT) EDPRS 2012 Production Target (MT) EasternMaize20 0005100 000199 400 NorthernWheat 60031 80022 481 Irish160152 4001 500 000 SouthernCassava5 000 30150 000956 300 Budget = 5.2 Billion FrR

11 11 Supported activities in the programme: 2008 A Maize: 20.000 ha in Eastern Province, planted Cassava: 5.000 ha in Southern Province, planting on going Wheat: 600 ha In Northern Province, planted Irish Potato: 160 ha In Northern Province, planted

12 12 1. Maize Planting Maize cultivation Kirehe District

13 13 DistrictAreaSeedsDAPUrea plannedcultivatedplantedplanneddistributedplanneddistributedplanned distrib uted Ha MT Kirehe10,000 9,400300 1,0009751,0000 Kayonza2,300 60 200 0 Gatsibo640 25620 6470640 Bugesera4,500 140 4504254500 TOTAL17,440 16,456520 1,7141,6701,7140 Maize Intensification CIP up to 06/11/2008

14 14 Cassava Intensification DistrictAreaCuttings Production targeted Planned Already plantedPlannedDistributed Ha MT Kamonyi7002787 000 0002 780 00021 000 Muhanga2001842 000 0001 840 0006 000 Ruhango1 72550817 250 0005 080 00051 750 Nyanza9803789 800 0003 780 00029 400 Huye1 02551910 250 0005 190 00030750 Gisagara5002915 000 0002 910 00015 000 TOTAL5 1302 15851 300 00021 580 000153 900

15 15 Wheat and Potatoes Intensication Wheat is being cultivated in Gicumbi on 600 ha 60 of hybrid wheat seed imported from Kenya and all distributed in Gicumbi 135 tons of NPK 17.17.17 distributed in Gicumbi for wheat growing.

16 16 2. Value addition and marketing: Cooperative Development & Storage In all districts farmers are sensitized to be grouped in cooperatives and their capacity strengthened Farmers will be trained in storage and conditioning of produce to minimize post harvest losses Hermetic storage will be imported and storage facilities constructed Storage facilities of ex-OPROVIA will be rehabilitated

17 17 3. Ecosystem rehabilitation and watershed management: Activities Activities of concern: forestation of bare mountains, road sides, rehabilitation of degraded lands, etc Protections of rivers, lakes, marshlands and protection of fragile ecosystems

18 18 4. Resettlement: Imidugudu An Umudugudu will have between 100 and 150 HHs and will be located where there are infrastructures or where they can be developed easily Trials for getting roofing materials (tiles) burnt with peat are underway in Muhanga (Southern Province) Modern kilns will be constructed in all districts especially using youth cooperatives.

19 19 5. Development of off-farm jobs and Social Protection MINICOM, MIFOTRA and MINEDUC have an important role in training An inventory of off-farm jobs will be done and targeted training conducted Those engaged in these jobs will be given/facilitated to get Off farm credit packages Those having land without means to put it to use will be sensitized to lend to those able to use Landless but having strength will be assisted to get off-farms jobs through HIMO and will be facilitated to get off farm credit packages Landless having no strength will receive special social assistance to help get food, Mutuelle de sante, education for children, handcraft jobs

20 20 6. Development of rural financial systems The team comprising of MINAGRI, MINECOFIN, MINICOM, BNR, BRD, UBPR and Cooperative Task Force will develop the strategy for this program. The first draft is ready this Monday Farmers received seeds and fertilizers on credit Farmers are organized in cooperatives

21 21 Challenges Communication between different levels leading to misunderstanding of goals of the programme concerning prioritization

22 22 Murakoze cyane Thank you Merci

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