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Unit One My name’s Gina Period 1.

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1 Unit One My name’s Gina Period 1

2 Match the greeting sentences on the left
with the correct answers on the right. Hello!/Hi ! Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Nice to meet you. How do you do? How are you? Good morning. Hello!/Hi ! How do you do? Good afternoon. Fine, thanks. Good evening. Nice to meet you, too. 你好!

3 1b Listen and number the conversations.
A: What’s your name? B: Alan. 2 A: Hello. I’m Mary. B: Hi, Mary. I’m Jim. 1 A: My name’s Jenny. B: I’m Gina. Nice to meet you. 3

4 2a Number the pictures. 1 3 2 4

5 2b Listening Tony Tom Jenny Bob Mike Jim

6 Tapescript Conversation 1: Tony: Hello. What’s your name?
Jenny: My name’s Jenny. Tony: I’m Tony. Jenny: Nice to meet you, Tony.

7 Conversation 2: Bill: What’s his name? Maria: His name is Tony. Bill: And what’s her name? Maria: Her name is Jenny.

8 Conversation 3: Bob: Excuse me, are you Mark? Mark: Yes, I am. Bob: I’m Bob. Nice to meet you. Mark: Nice to meet you,too.

9 Conversation 4: Teacher: Good morning,boys and girls. My name’s Linda. What’s your name? Jim: My name’s Jim. Teacher: And what’s your name? Mary: My name’s Mary.

10 男他his, 女她her, your是你的, my是我的, 名词前面常站岗, 限定所属有功劳。

11 形容词性物主代词 my 我的 your 你的(你们的) his 他的 her 她的 its 它的 our 我们的 their 他们的

12 Pairwork A: Hello! What’s your name? B: My name is… A: I’m…
B: Nice to meet you!

13 A: What’s his name? B: His name is… A: And what’s her name? B: Her name is…

14 first name/given name 名字 Jim Green full name 姓氏 last name/family name

15 Culture notes 另外,有些英美人士的名字还有middle name,顾名思义就是在first name和 last
国前总统George W. Bush, W.就是他的 middle name,但我们多称他为George Bush. George W. Bush first name last name middle name

16 What’s his first name? What’s his last name? His first name is James. His last name is Bond. James Bond

17 Michael Jackson What’s his first name? What’s his last name? His first name is Michael. His last name is Jackson.

18 David Beckham What’s his first name? What’s his last name? His first name is David. His last name is Beckham.

19 Harry Potter What’s his first name? What’s his last name? His first name is Harry. His last name is Potter.

20 3a Look at these English names. Write F
for first name and L for last name. Tony Green 3. Miller Mingming 5. Gina Jack 7. Smith Brown 9. Zhang Mary F L L F F F L L L F

21 √ √ × × Liu Xiang Tian Liang Tianliang Sun Yanzi Zhou Jie Lun
True or False Liu Xiang × Tian Liang Tianliang Sun Yanzi × Zhou Jie Lun Zhou Jielun

22 two one three five six four nine eight seven zero

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