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Testing, Measurement & Assessment Unit 5 Seminar - Validity.

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Presentation on theme: "Testing, Measurement & Assessment Unit 5 Seminar - Validity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing, Measurement & Assessment Unit 5 Seminar - Validity

2 Validity Estimate of how well the test measures what it says it measures Validity is not universal 3 Categories of Validity Content Criterion-related Construct

3 Validity Face validity – important practically but not psychometrically Criterion-Related Validity Concurrent Predictive Construct Validity

4 Construct Validity – Sources of Evidence Homogeneity Changes with age Pretest-Posttest changes Distinct Groups Convergent Discriminant Factor Analysis

5 Unit 5 Project – Campbell & Fiske Article Convergent validity is not good enough Need evidence of discriminant validity All tests include content and method To isolate variance need to examine relationships between multiple traits and multiple methods (multi-trait, multi- method matrix)

6 Measure several traits through several different methods and analyze correlations Assertive Leadership Potential Cheerfulness Self Staff Team Self Staff Team Self Staff Team Self Staff Team Self Staff Team Self Staff Team

7 In a nutshell: Convergent validity – 2 independent measures of a single trait should be highly correlated Discriminant validity – measure of a single trait should correlate at a low level with a conceptually different trait even though similar/same method is used Tests of a particular construct should be more highly related to other tests of that same construct than to tests of other constructs or tests using same methodology

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