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FCS681 Research Questionnaire

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Presentation on theme: "FCS681 Research Questionnaire"— Presentation transcript:

1 FCS681 Research Questionnaire
Hira Cho

2 Measurement Constructs Variables Measurement Theory
Conceptual and Operational Based on operational variable

3 Measurement Type Self-Reports vs. Observations
Interviews vs. Written Questionnaires

4 Questionnaire Construction
Index Scales

5 Questionnaire Construction Index & Scales
Wrote a letter to a public official Signed a political petition Gave money to a political cause Gave money to a political candidate Wrote a political letter to the editor Persuaded someone to change their voting plans Index Q: Political actions people may have taken

6 Questionnaire Construction Index & Scales
Dichotomous (ex. Gender) Nominal (ex. Occupation) Ordinal (ex. Rank of the favorite colors) Interval (ex. Likert Scale, Strongly Agree-Strongly Disagree) Semantic differential (ex. Interesting boring)

7 IRB Animal or Human Subjects 4, 5, 8, 12-busy month for IRB
At CSUN website

8 Example: Questionnaire
An Exploratory investigation of downtown branding as an effective downtown revitalization strategy: Downtown business owners’ perspectives Predictors of purchase intention toward green apparel products: A cross-cultural investigation in the US and China

9 Reliability and Validity
Write down what you know about reliability and validity Construct Validity

10 Reliability and Validity
What is a reliable measurement? Scale-weight Ruler-length Computer satisfaction-speed & price Store service-sales person’s responsiveness & knowledge What is a reliable but invalid measurement? Good scale to measure length Exact ruler to measure weight Speed & price to measure store service Sales person’s responsiveness & knowledge to measure computer satisfaction

11 Valid Measurement Reliability Content/Convergent/Discriminant Validity

12 Research Questionnaire: Practice 1
For your proposed study, specify the dependent variable(s) and the independent variables. To collect data for your study, which is more appropriate, self-report or observational, and why? Would an index work well for any of the constructs? If yes, indicate it (them) and explain the reason. Can any of your variable be a scale? If yes, indicate it (them) and explain the reason. Would you be concerned about validity of the measurement? How? (How would you assess the validity?)

13 Group Discussion Preliminary Outline
The draft will be turned in through Moodle by Mar. 21 (by midnight). Use the template on Moodle

14 Assignment for Week 10 Due: Mar 25, by noon, through Moodle
Three part journal

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