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By: Mrs. Faour & Ms. Pirrotta & Mrs. Love Montessori School 27.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Mrs. Faour & Ms. Pirrotta & Mrs. Love Montessori School 27."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Mrs. Faour & Ms. Pirrotta & Mrs. Love Montessori School 27

2 WHAT’S HAPPENING ?  There is a great debate in America today!  How can we more students through school. Too many through school. Too many are dropping out!  Also- how can we get students an education that will allow them to compete in the new “global economy”?

3 Let’s Find out! What causes students to fall behind? What causes students to fall behind? What causes students to get an inferior education What causes students to get an inferior education What causes students to drop out? What causes students to drop out? Can you give some ideas? Can you give some ideas?

4 YOUR EDUCATION STARTS HERE! Montessori Elementary School 27 132 Valentine Lane Yonkers, NY 107053499


6 Identify the classroom problems represented in each of the following and explain how it destroys the peaceable classroom 1 2 3 4

7 Explain how this could affect Peace in the classroom

8 What is the effect of conflict on a peaceable classroom? Let’s list some of your ideas

9 Complete this chart in groups  CONFLICT EFFECT Montessori 27 1 2 3 4 5 6

10 In your group discuss and write down words or ideas that come to mind when you think of the word “conflict” in Montessori 27 Come up with at least 10 words! Conflict? In your group discuss and write down words or ideas that come to mind when you think of the word “conflict” in Montessori 27 Come up with at least 10 words!

11 NOW For each word, explain how it could cause the end of the peaceable classroom

12 ADDITIONAL READING Read the following articles Take notes on causes of disruptive behavior  Disruptive Classroom Behavior (click) Disruptive Classroom Behavior (click)  Examples of Disruptive Behavior (click) Examples of Disruptive Behavior

13 TO SUMMARIZE Conflict is a normal part of life in general, but it is an especially normal part of school life. Every student within a school community becomes involved in conflicts. Many of these issues include name calling, gossip, borrowing things and not returning them among others. Other student conflicts are more serious and may involve physical violence.

14 THE PUBLIC POLICY ANALYST Defining the social problem Use your charts and notes to Complete worksheet#1 Define the social problem

15 The Public Policy Analyst Identifying the Causes of student conflicts and disruption in the classroom complete worksheet#2 Causes of the Social Problem complete worksheet#2 Causes of the Social Problem

16 THUS: A peaceable classroom is one in which students and teachers use the processes and the philosophical principles to create a classroom in which learning is maximized and students can achieve high standards

17 REMEMBER: The philosophy involves The values of love and respect, the 3 C’s of caring, compassion and concern, empowering students to learn to think critically.

18  listening and communication  learning and teaching the steps of problem-solving. …..These are teachable skills

19 Why do we need a Peaceable Classroom?  To create a safe learning environment  To create a constructive learning environment  To help students to develop into the creative and responsive people they are meant to be

20 1: Cooperation 2: Caring Communication 3: Appreciation of Diversity 4: Appropriate Expression of feelings 5: Responsible Decision-Making 6: Conflict Resolution Explain how each of the following can solve the problems found in a disruptive classroom

21 Complete worksheet # 5 of the Public Policy Analyst Developing Solutions to the ProblemHOMEWORK  Write an essay of two pages using your worksheets to guide your thoughts.

22 FOLLOW-UP ASSIGNMENT Write an essay of two pages using your worksheets Define the problem of the disruptive classroom, explain the causes and then give suggestions to create a PEACEABLE CLASSROOM

23 That’s the beginning of a …

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