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Agricultural Knowledge Management in IPMS KM4Dev Addis, April, 05, 2013 Fanos Mekonnen, Knowledge Management Expert, LIVES.

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Presentation on theme: "Agricultural Knowledge Management in IPMS KM4Dev Addis, April, 05, 2013 Fanos Mekonnen, Knowledge Management Expert, LIVES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agricultural Knowledge Management in IPMS KM4Dev Addis, April, 05, 2013 Fanos Mekonnen, Knowledge Management Expert, LIVES

2 IPMS knowledge management (KM) strategy What are the outcomes we expect Who are our targets How do we communicate our targets

3 IPMS KM Framework (Internal and external) Capturingstoringsharing Research Study tour &field days Online & offline platforms Face to face Audio visual Printed stuff Knowledge centers FTCs

4 What do we need: The 4 things 1.Infrastructure A knowledge center- publications, PCs, chairs, tables, TV/DVD, shelves A website- servers, internet, website software, Publishing- software, cameras,

5 What do we need: The 4 things 2.Skill/ knowledgeable Human Resource Skilled person – web designing, managing knowledge center, publishing, video making, managing and facilitating

6 What do we need: The 4 things 3.Partnership and linkages Trainers in universities, research, bureaus of agriculture, NGOs, GOs,….. 4.Audience/ our stakeholder’s need and interest general public, farmers, Das, students, researchers

7 Practical examples from IPMS

8 IPMS Agricultural Knowledge Centers location

9 Agricultural Knowledge centers- inside

10 Online platform- Ethiopian Agriculture Portal

11 Online platform- IPMS website

12 Knowledge Storing/Sharing: Publication and multimedia

13 Seminars at different levels

14 Guided study tours to stakeholders

15 On Job training

16 Internal KM/ communication activities \\ipmsserv

17 Some Impacts

18 Change of Attitude KM is refered as a significant input of IPMS Agricultural knowledge centers has been exemplary and scaled out- eg. AGP Ministry of Agriculture took responsibility of handling the EAP

19 Linkages and promotions Created strong linkages with university and research 120MSc research thesis were supported Good documentations and promotion 31 working papers, 6 manuals, 2 toolkits, 6 commodity synthesis produced and distributed (digital and printed) Key project outputs translated to local language

20 Lessons Key points to consider in KM

21 The power of four Who will coordinate our KM initiative? Who are our target beneficiaries People How will we acquire, synthesize, and share knowledge? How will we measure return on our investment? Process What are the appropriate tools for our target beneficiaries? What new tools are out there that may create new opportunities for knowledge sharing Technology How can we ensure the right organizational setup to support knowledge management? Do we provide KM conducive leadership ? Organizational Framework

22 knowledge management and capacity development is a continuous process requiring "fresh" knowledge and skills addressing emerging problems and opportunities along the development (Dirk Hoekstra)

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