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Python for Biofuel Cell Development Parker Evans.

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1 Python for Biofuel Cell Development Parker Evans

2 Overview Electricity review What are fuel cells? Why do we need Python? Methods ◦ Anaconda Python distribution ◦ Spyder IDE ◦ Biopython ◦ Regular Expressions The program The results Future Directions

3 Why Fuel Cells? Fuel cells simply steal electrons from biological processes Implantable sensors ◦ Glucose monitors ◦ Heart rate etc. Terawatts (10¹²W) of power + CLEAN water from wastewater

4 How do you make a fuel cell? Grow fungusFilter proteins Adsorb proteins to electrode Collect electricity! Collect additional products (ie. drinking water)

5 Laccase Sequence Source There are 2,674 fungal laccase protein sequences in the UniProt database Approximately half (50.2%) of these are protein fragments under 100kb ◦ Laccase average seq. length: 453AA  Min = 100; Max = 906 Fragments were removed using UniProt’s built in feature The remaining 1,331 sequences were run through the regex_fasta program

6 Laccase Sequence Histogram

7 T1 Cu Site – REDOX Potential REDOX potential of laccase determines the voltage of the system Pardo et al. found the REDOX potential is directly determined by the axial amino acid (AA) ◦ L = low, M= med., F = high Th Ö ny-Meyer et al. found that the T1 copper motif is highly conserved: ◦ HCHXXXHXXXXL/M/F

8 REDOX Potential 162 of 1331 sequences, 12%, contained phenylalanine axial amino acids at the T1 copper center

9 N-Glycosylation - Secretion The program secretome.P uses the occurrence of N-Gycosylation sites to determine the probabilitity that a given protein will be secreted I used the regular expression behind their open-source program to find N- Glycosylation sites in my program ◦ N[^P](S|T)[^P]

10 N-Glycosylation Of the 162 high REDOX potential laccases, 9 contained N- Glycosylation sites Interestingly none of these sites contained serine

11 Results My motif finder pipeline narrowed the thousands of candidate organisms to less than 0.5% of the initial input while retaining the optimal features of the candidate proteins The prospective species are:

12 Resources Reiss, R., Ihssen, J., Richter, M., Eichhorn, E., Schilling, B., & Thöny-Meyer, L. (2013). Laccase versus laccase-like multi-copper oxidase: a comparative study of similar enzymes with diverse substrate spectra. PloS one, 8(6), e65633. Pardo, I., & Camarero, S. (2015). Laccase engineering by rational and evolutionary design.Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 1-14.

13 Water Analogy Voltage = electrical pressure Current = electrical flow-rate Resistance = electrical friction R R C C V

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