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Refurbished Booster RF John Reid October 24, 2012.

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1 Refurbished Booster RF John Reid October 24, 2012

2 f Fermilab Booster RF Cavity removed from Station 5 – SN-1008 –Refurbishment started June 2012 (?) –Cavity was picked for the following: Cavity is class 3 (radioactive). –Cavity moved into cave at MI-60 in preparation for disassembly. –Cavity vacuum leak checked OK. –Cavity with tuners was assembled with 0.005” tin shims installed on front, bottom, and back tuner stems. –Cone cooling connected in series with each ½ of outer ferrite tuner cooling. Flow rate in test stand measured 1.5gpm July 17, 2012 John Reid2

3 f Fermilab –Center casting single turn cooling flow is 0.8gpm Booster RF Cavity removed from Station 6 – SN- 1017 –Removed from beam line - April 2012 –Refurbishment started September 17, 2012 –Cavity disassembly done in cavity room. –Cavity vacuum leak checked OK. –Cavity with tuners are being assembled with 0.005” tin shims installed on front, bottom, and back tuner stems. –Cone cooling connected in series with each ½ of outer ferrite tuner cooling. –Major flange work done on center casting section. July 17, 2012 John Reid3

4 f Fermilab October 24, 2012 John Reid4 Fitting stem to cavity center flange

5 f Fermilab October 24, 2012John Reid5 Stem to cavity interface problem Area marked where stem does not fully contact cavity surface

6 f Fermilab October 24, 2012John Reid6 Finished flange after resurfacing Partial flange facingAdded weld material to flange surface

7 f Fermilab October 24, 2012 John Reid7 Original cavity flange surface Added weld material to flange surface Finished flange after resurfacing

8 f Fermilab October 24, 2012 John Reid8 Original cavity flange surface Added weld material to flange area Finished flange after resurfacing

9 f Fermilab October 24, 2012 John Reid9 Finished mating Flange on Caavity Finished tuner Flange

10 f Fermilab October 24, 2012 John Reid10 Assembly of Cavity S/N 1017 has started. Cavity is back on girder Mounting front and back tuners today Finish assembly this week Scheduled for cave testing next week October 24.

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