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Communications - ISFSI 1 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS the process of learning and instructing depend on good communication skills above all else!!

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Presentation on theme: "Communications - ISFSI 1 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS the process of learning and instructing depend on good communication skills above all else!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communications - ISFSI 1 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS the process of learning and instructing depend on good communication skills above all else!!

2 Communications - ISFSI 2 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS n Elements of oral communications SenderSender MediumMedium ReceiverReceiver FeedbackFeedback THEMESSAGE

3 Communications - ISFSI 3 Attributes of an Instructor n Understanding & works with people n Desire to teach n Competence in subject n Enthusiasm n Motivation n Ingenuity and creativity n Empathy

4 Communications - ISFSI 4 Traps for Instructors to Avoid n Bluffing n Sarcasm n Complaining n Comedy n Bullying

5 Communications - ISFSI 5 Listening n Time Spent 45% listening45% listening 30% speaking30% speaking 16% reading16% reading 9% writing9% writing n Reasons enjoymentenjoyment informationinformation inspirationinspiration understandingunderstanding evaluationevaluation

6 Communications - ISFSI 6 Factors Affecting Listening n Attitude n Motivation n Personality n Life situation n Role in society

7 Communications - ISFSI 7 Ways to Improve Listening n Develop a desire n Build good habits n Pay attention n Delay evaluation n Listen for ideas n Use spare time wisely

8 Communications - ISFSI 8 Factors that affect the Instructor - Student Relationship n Style (how you speak/teach) be yourselfbe yourself must be acceptable to listenermust be acceptable to listener n Authority (credibility) better response if student has confidence in instructorbetter response if student has confidence in instructor don’t take superior approachdon’t take superior approach

9 Communications - ISFSI 9 Factors that affect the Instructor - Student Relationship (con’t) n Objectives must be clearly understoodmust be clearly understood n Vocabulary (language used) same level as studentssame level as students avoid trigger wordsavoid trigger words define technical termsdefine technical terms n Environment does it support / enhance learningdoes it support / enhance learning

10 Communications - ISFSI 10 Factors that affect the Instructor - Student Relationship (con’t) n Fact vs. Opinion differentiate between the twodifferentiate between the two opinion must be supportedopinion must be supported n Personal mannerisms positivepositive –desire to share ideas and help –interest in subject or group –confidence

11 Communications - ISFSI 11 Factors that affect the Instructor - Student Relationship (con’t) n Personal Mannerisms (con’t) NegativeNegative –boredom –superiority –fear –distracting mannerisms pencil chewingpencil chewing frowningfrowning pacingpacing playing with toolsplaying with tools

12 Communications - ISFSI 12 Factors that affect the Instructor - Student Relationship (con’t) n Physical Characteristics appearance - dress for audienceappearance - dress for audience stance - relaxed and naturalstance - relaxed and natural movementmovement gesturesgestures voicevoice –quality –pitch –rate –volume

13 Communications - ISFSI 13 Factors that affect the Instructor - Student Relationship (con’t) n Non-verbal communications not an exact sciencenot an exact science noticeable body partsnoticeable body parts –eyes –gestures –hands and arms –voice –any combination

14 Communications - ISFSI 14 Elements of Oral Presentations n Introduction n Body n Conclusion

15 Communications - ISFSI 15 Steps for Preparation of Oral Presentations n 1. Analyze the audience sizesize educational leveleducational level knowledgeknowledge related experiencerelated experience degree of formalitydegree of formality time of daytime of day n 2. Choose the subject n 3. Determine the purpose n 4. Collect Materials support # 2 and #3support # 2 and #3

16 Communications - ISFSI 16 Steps for Preparation of Oral Presentations (con’t) n 5. Build an outline A. OpeningA. Opening –purpose: stimulate interest in topic B. The BodyB. The Body –purpose: to present information C. The ClosingC. The Closing –purpose: bring completeness to topic

17 Communications - ISFSI 17 Practice Your Delivery n Techniques eye contact and directnesseye contact and directness warmth and understandingwarmth and understanding reduce time pressures and pause fillersreduce time pressures and pause fillers humorhumor vocal excitement and varietyvocal excitement and variety FeedbackFeedback Use outline or notesUse outline or notes PracticesPractices

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