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Origins of the Universe (Glencoe Chapter 26-4, pages 836-839)

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1 Origins of the Universe (Glencoe Chapter 26-4, pages 836-839)

2 Origins of the Universe How did it all get here? How did it all get here? MANY THEORIES!!!! MANY THEORIES!!!! Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Steady State Theory Steady State Theory Oscillating Theory Oscillating Theory Creation Theory Creation Theory Intelligent Design

3 Origins of the Universe A. Universe is expanding - Edwin Hubble - in 1929 announced his theory that the universe theory that the universe is continually is continually expanding expanding  studied light from distant stars distant stars

4 Origins of the Universe - Red shift - a shift in the expanding wavelengths of light toward the red color  caused by object that is producing light moving away from us, the observers of that light (fig. 26-23, pg. 837)  suggests that space itself is expanding

5 Origins of the Universe -all galaxies are moving away from center of universe B. Expansion implies that at some point the at some point the universe was smaller universe was smaller - if it is expanding, the universe must the universe must have been smaller have been smaller

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