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CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION PARTNERSHIP FUND FY 2014 Request For Proposals September 18, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION PARTNERSHIP FUND FY 2014 Request For Proposals September 18, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION PARTNERSHIP FUND FY 2014 Request For Proposals September 18, 2013

2 The Conservation and Restoration Partnership Fund  Since 2008 the State has partnered with non- profits, businesses, land owners, and local governments on twelve different projects.  The State has awarded more than $7.3M and our partners have provided more than $7.8M in match, providing for over $15M in on-the-ground restoration and conservation.

3 Conservation and Restoration Partnership Fund  This year the Conservation and Restoration Partnership Fund has dedicated $1 million to provide matching funds for projects aimed at coastal conservation and restoration. The State will use this funding to further leverage its funds to achieve its coastal restoration goals.

4 Project Selection  Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:  Consistency with the objectives of the State Master Plan  Acreage conserved/restored  Synergy with other conservation/restoration efforts  Project constructability  Matching funds

5 FY 2013 Selected Projects ProjectSponsorAwardMatch Biloxi Marsh Oyster Reef Restoration Project The Nature Conservancy$400,000$159,300 Establishment of Baldcypress-­ Water Tupelo Nurseries for Restoration of Forested Wetlands and for Protection of Flood Control Levees in Coastal Louisiana Comite Resources$100,000$50,000 Carencro Bayou Freshwater Introduction Ducks Unlimited$500,000$560,537 TOTAL$1,000,000$769,837

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