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 Management of interaction by the modern human societies with, and impact upon the environment  The three main issues that affect managers are: those.

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Presentation on theme: " Management of interaction by the modern human societies with, and impact upon the environment  The three main issues that affect managers are: those."— Presentation transcript:

1  Management of interaction by the modern human societies with, and impact upon the environment  The three main issues that affect managers are: those involving politics (networking) programs (projects) and resources (money, facilities, etc.)  Carrying capacity - Malthusian theory  Environmental management is therefore not the conservation of the environment solely for the environment's sake, but rather the conservation of the environment for humankind's sake.


3  An 'environmental management standard or system or protocol attempts to reduce environmental impact as measured by some objective criteria.  The ISO 14001 standard is the most widely used standard for environmental risk management.

4  Environmental management systems (EMS) based on the ISO 14001 standard  The Green Dragon Environmental Management Standard  BS 8555  The Natural Step  Ecological Intelligent Design  Today's businesses must comply with State and local environmental laws, rules, and regulations.

5  Examples: Examples





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