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Documentation of Ventilatory Support 215a. Educational Objectives List the factors which affect communication Distinguish between subjective and objective.

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Presentation on theme: "Documentation of Ventilatory Support 215a. Educational Objectives List the factors which affect communication Distinguish between subjective and objective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Documentation of Ventilatory Support 215a

2 Educational Objectives List the factors which affect communication Distinguish between subjective and objective data State the importance of accurately recording data in the medical record

3 Basic Rule of Documentation If it is not documented, it did not happen!

4 Effective Communication Factors affecting communication in general –Sender –Receiver

5 Effective Communication Factors affecting communication in the Intensive Care Unit –Stress –Noise –Activity –Number of senders –Complexity of communications

6 What Needs to be Documented Subjective data –Information obtained from the patient –Information obtained from the patient’s family or significant others

7 What Needs to be Documented Objective Data –Therapist’s observations of the patient –Ventilator settings

8 What Needs to be Documented Objective Data –Physical examination of the patient Vital signs Auscultation Sputum production Breathing pattern

9 What Needs to be Documented Objective Data –Blood gas results –Clinical lab results –Radiology results –Diagnostic test results

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