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6- Microbial Nutrition & Growth. Bacterial growth.

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Presentation on theme: "6- Microbial Nutrition & Growth. Bacterial growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 6- Microbial Nutrition & Growth

2 Bacterial growth


4 electron sourcelithotrophs (inorganic) organotrophs (organic)


6 Singlet oxygen Toxic forms of oxygen contains O 2 2- (peroxide anion)

7 Detoxification enzymes Other antioxidants: carotenoids, glutathione, Vit E & C, etc.

8 Micro- aerophiles

9 Nitrogen cycle Fig 26.17



12 acidophiles basophiles/ alkalinophiles Vibrio Ferroplasma neutrophiles Fig. 2.14

13 Halophiles obligate tolerant Barophiles Extremophiles

14 Ecological associations Antagonistic Synergistic Symbiotic Biofilms Quorum sensing

15 Other kinds of samples: food, water, air, soil, etc.

16 Streak plate

17 Pour plate

18 Spread plate

19 Inoculating needle & loop

20 pipet & pipetters

21 micropipette = micropipet = micropipetter Disposable tip

22 tubes Petri plate flask containers

23 For beer

24 agarbroth agar slant deep agar


26 (for Nutrient Broth: just leave out the agar)

27 General medium Selective medium (nutrient agar) (MacConkey agar)

28 Differential medium (MacConkey agar)

29 Differential media (newer)

30 candle jar capnophilics

31 Anaerobic jarGlove box

32 Laminar flow hood (for aerobes)

33 Standard freezer -20 o C Ultra deep freezer -70 to -86 o C Liquid nitrogen -196 o C refrigerator

34 Lyophilization = freeze-drying Other: dessication, crystallization

35 binary fission

36 budding fragmentation

37 Growth curve

38 Plate count using serial dilutions on spread plates Colony counter


40 Cell counter

41 MPN 26 cells /100 ml (from T6.6) Most Probable Number

42 dry weight Indirect methods metabolic activity

43 Turbidity spectrophotometer

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