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Good Work Practices Keeping the product and plant clean.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Work Practices Keeping the product and plant clean."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Work Practices Keeping the product and plant clean

2 GMPs2 1. Work station – cross- contamination control Make sure that your work area is clean before you start If not, bring it to the attention of your supervisor or clean it up yourself Use only designated containers for inedible product or garbage Never use product containers for other uses! Your workplace is all around you

3 GMPs3 Keep your work area clean Don’t let garbage accumulate (squeegee and scoop into containers) If any food product (raw or finished) drops to the floor, it must go into the garbage The floor is very contaminated and will cause the product to be unsafe

4 GMPs4 Don’t sneeze or cough directly into the air Tiny aerosol droplets get onto everything including the product and product contact surfaces Sneeze into disposable tissue or Sneeze into your hand and wash immediately or Sneeze or cough into shoulder (emergency)

5 GMPs5 2. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) What are SOPs? Standard Operating Procedures are designed to be followed closely Where can they be found? Master list is in plant manager’s or QA office Copies of individual SOPs should be posted close to your workstation How should they be used Study them before you start your job Refer to them if you don’t know Ask your supervisor to go over SOPs with you

6 GMPs6 3. General Plant practices Keep product refrigerated when not processing Walk only in designated areas Don’t walk into finished product areas from raw areas Walk through foot baths Don’t prop open doors Avoid cross-contamination Keep bacteria from multiplying

7 GMPs7 Keep your workplace clean and tidy Keep equipment clean Bacteria need food to grow Keep floors clean Floors tend to accumulate debris Debris attracts pests

8 GMPs8 Use the right equipment for cleaning Use only cleaning equipment designated for the purpose Don’t use floor or bathroom brushes to clean food contact surfaces Don’t leave hoses lying on floor Ends must be off the ground Use scrubbing action Use a brush where necessary

9 GMPs9 Be proactive Let your supervisor know if something isn’t right If a machine sounds different If you see a loose screw / nut / bolt If you see flaking paint If you smell something different If you see something in the wrong place

10 GMPs10 In Conclusion Be smart Understand the reasons for doing your job correctly Practice good personal hygiene Work smart Follow SOPs Avoid cross-contamination Everyone must participate to provide safe food products We are all responsible!

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