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Cinnaminson High School Guidance Department Welcome to our annual Naviance Parent Night October 2015.

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1 Cinnaminson High School Guidance Department Welcome to our annual Naviance Parent Night October 2015

2 Naviance: Family Connection Comprehensive college and career planning tool. Career interest surveys and comprehensive career information. College search and comparison tools. Information/updates available from the Guidance Department. Complete the entire college application process electronically. Students should be logging into their Naviance account regularly to obtain up to date information.

3 Naviance Account Log-in Email field: last name/first initial (i.e. smithj) Password: unique student ID number *If your child has any issues with logging into his/her Naviance account, please contact your school counselor or Mrs. Iannuzzi in the guidance office. You can also access the website on our Guidance webpage

4 Recommendation Letters Complete : Teacher Recommendation Form Counselor Recommendation Form-student portion Counselor Recommendation Form-parent portion Go to: ‘About Me’ tab Surveys are available on the left side of the screen.

5 Recommendation Letters (continued) After completing the surveys, your child should ask his/her teachers in person to write a recommendation letter. Once each teacher has agreed to write a letter, your child should add the teachers in Naviance Family Connection. It is very important that your child follows this process because teachers will not submit recommendation letters for students who did not speak with them in person.

6 Recommendation Letters (continued) Your child’s school counselor will write a recommendation letter AFTER a student requests an official transcript through Naviance Family Connection AFTER a student has completed the Counselor Recommendation forms in Naviance AFTER a student submits any additional counselor forms needed to be filled out for a college application Please complete all required forms at least 3 weeks prior to the application due date. This will allow school counselors ample time to write a good recommendation letter.

7 Teacher Recommendation Letters Step One: Personally ask a teacher to write a letter Step Two: Request teacher recommendations through Naviance Family Connection Click on ‘Colleges’ tab, Go to ‘Colleges I’m Applying to’ Scroll down to ‘Teacher Recommendations’ Click ‘add/cancel requests.’

8 Teacher Recommendation Letters (continued) After selecting teachers from the dropdown menu, your child should include a “thank you note,” which will be sent as an email to the teacher. This “thank you note” email will serve as a reminder to the teacher Please make sure your child hits the ‘update requests’ button at the bottom of the screen before leaving this page. Please be advised that teachers should be given at least 3 weeks before the application due date to write letters.

9 Transcript Requests Transcript requests are made through Naviance Family Connection AFTER students hit the ‘submit’ button on his/her college applications. Please make all transcript requests at least 3 week prior to the application due date. To request transcripts: click ‘Colleges’ tab Go to ‘Colleges I’m Applying to’

10 Transcript Requests (continued) Choose colleges: Click the ‘Lookup’ button to find the colleges. Once the colleges are selected Select the application type from the dropdown box to the left of the college lookup tool for each college. Please check both the ‘Transcript’ box as well as the ‘I Have Submitted My Application’ box (see arrows). The Guidance Office will not be able to send transcripts unless both of these boxes have been checked!

11 Transcript Requests (continued) The college ‘Lookup’ tab will take you to the ‘College Picker’ quick list (see right) where you can search for colleges by name, state, or country. Once you select a college, it will be added to the selection box.

12 Using the Common Application: Very important to input his/her date of birth and the email address used on the Information on application must sync with a student’s Naviance account. Syncing your child’s Common Application account allows all CA forms to be available to teachers and counselors in Naviance. If your child did not apply via the Common Application, skip this step. Transcript Requests (continued)

13 After completing the Common Application account matching (if applicable), students should proceed with requesting his/her transcripts. Click ‘Colleges’ Then ‘Colleges I’m Applying To’ Scroll down past the Common App Account Matching Click ‘Add To This List’ (see right).

14 Transcript Request (continued) Application Types: Regular Decision – Students are applying at the normal application due date. Rolling Admissions – The college will process your application as soon as it is complete. Students will receive an admission decision within 2-4 weeks of submitting the application. Early Action – A priority deadline for scholarships that also allows students to obtain an early notification on the admission decision. Early Decision – This is a binding contract between your child and the college. If accepted, a student is required to attend or a tuition bill can be upheld. A student should only apply to one college under this application type (if any).

15 Transcript Request (continued) Please see the example to the right, which indicates what a completed ‘Colleges I’m Applying To’ screen will look like prior to hitting the submit button. After reviewing the information for accuracy, your child should then hit the ‘Add Colleges’ button.

16 Transcript Request (continued) After pressing the submit button, you will be taken back to the screen on the right. Please check all information for accuracy. IMPORTANT: If your child is applying via the Common Application, please be sure that it is indicated on this screen. If not, please update that information by clicking “edit” for each individual college.

17 Common Application The Common Application is available at: Allows students to complete one application that is sent to many colleges. This saves time and eliminates the need to complete separate applications for each college. Please check the Common Application website to determine if the colleges your child is applying to accept it. The Common Application has the ability to link with your Naviance Family Connection account so all teacher and counselor forms can be completed electronically.

18 Transcripts for Scholarships For scholarship transcript requests Click on the ‘Colleges’ tab Go to ‘Colleges I’m Applying To’ Scroll down to the heading ‘Resources’ Click on ‘Transcripts’. On the next screen click on ‘Request Transcripts for Scholarships or Athletics’.

19 Transcripts for Scholarships (continued) On this screen (see right) completely fill out the information about the transcript recipient. Please be sure to click the ‘Add Transcript Requests’ button. You will then be redirected to a confirmation screen indicating the transcript request was successful.

20 NCAA Clearinghouse Any students planning to play Division I or Division II sports in college should register with the NCAA Clearinghouse. The NCAA application should be completed at the conclusion of junior year or very early in the senior year. Please visit While completing the NCAA application, indicate Cinnaminson High School as the current school so the NCAA will request a transcript through Naviance Family Connection.

21 Naviance Activities Resume All students completed an activities resume in Naviance during their junior year. If your child would like to submit his/her activities resume as part of the college application packet, please follow the following steps: Update the activities resume in Naviance. Print the activities resume and mail it to the college admissions office OR save it to his/her computer and email it to the admissions office.

22 College Representative Visits College representatives visit CHS during the fall to speak with seniors during lunches. There is a schedule of visits available in Naviance Family Connection and on the Guidance webpage. If interested in a particular college, it is beneficial to speak with the admissions representative who will be reviewing applications.

23 SAT & ACT Plan to retake the SAT and/or ACT during the fall to improve scores. Score choice – pros/cons ACT to register Test dates are on the Guidance webpage SAT to register Test dates are on the Guidance webpage

24 College Application Essay Students develop their college application essay as part of the senior English class. Senior English teachers are familiar with the requirements of the personal statement. If your child needs to write an essay early or has a specific topic, please have him/her review the requirements with the English teacher. There are no optional essays!

25 Official Transcript The official transcript is the academic record reviewed by colleges when making admissions decisions. It includes all courses taken during high school, yearly attendance, clubs/activities students participate at CHS, and official GPA/class rank. A copy of your child’s high school transcript was mailed home in August for your review. Please be sure the information on this transcript is accurate. After the 1 st marking period, your child’s most recent report card will be sent with the transcript. Before the end of the 1 st marking period, a copy of his/her schedule is sent.

26 Rowan at Burlington County College Spring Ahead Program RCBC Admissions Representative will be at CHS on 10/15/2015. Students must sign up in the guidance office to participate in the information session. The AccuPlacer Test will be given at CHS on 2/23/2016. Students must sign up in the guidance office to participate in the test at CHS. The guidance department will be hosting a RCBC registration field trip on 4/12/2016. Students must sign up in the guidance office to attend the trip.

27 Financial Aid The Guidance Department will host a Financial Aid Night for parents and students on Thursday, December 10 th at 6:30pm in the library. A Financial Aid Director from a local university will be presenting current information regarding the FAFSA and financial aid application process. You cannot apply for financial aid until after January 1, 2014.

28 School Counselors Mrs. Alexis Mancinelli A - J Mr. Randy Krakower K - S Ms. Donna Lobascio T - Z

29 Thank you for coming! Questions?

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