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Multiple Processors Real- time Operating System IEOS proposal R00921080 蔡偉哲 R00921072 李俊融.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Processors Real- time Operating System IEOS proposal R00921080 蔡偉哲 R00921072 李俊融."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple Processors Real- time Operating System IEOS proposal R00921080 蔡偉哲 R00921072 李俊融

2 Introduction In modern mobile industry, there are more and more cores in CHIP Lack a multicore real time OS on multiprocessor.

3 Motivation Except the critical process, there exist other important processes in OS. We want to use multicore so that we reduce the cost Example : Example : Missile defense system Compute missile track and detect other missile

4 Why Multiple processors Technical bottleneck Power consumption P=CV 2 F, where C is capacitance, V is voltage and F is clock frequency

5 Trend 來源: http://www.pcpitsto

6 Trend – embedded project

7 Trend – future

8 Relate work A portable SMP Module Design on uC/OS-II [1] Implement uC/OS-II on Homogeneous multicore processor [2] Customizable Datapath Integrated Lock Unit [3]

9 Open Source Open our code on network

10 Multiple Processors System HomogeneousSMPMaster-slaveHeterogeneousGPGPUAccelerator

11 OS modify SchedulerSynchronizationInterrupt Memory management

12 benchmark BeRTOS On Performance of Kernel Based and Embedded Real-Time Operating System: Benchmarking and Analysis ICACSIS,2011 Mastura D. Marieska, Paul G. Hariyanto, M. Firda Fauzan, Achmad Imam Kistijantoro,and Afwarman Manaf

13 goal 2 NIOS processors SMP System N processors SMP System Heterogeneous System

14 Hardware Platform Why using FPGA Terasic DE3 board, altera stratix III FPGA NIOS processor is an ASIP core

15 progress Single processor FPGA design

16 Reference NIOS II implement tutorial A portable SMP Module Design on uC/OS-II, 戴偉堯, 2009 Implement uC/OS-II on Homogeneous multicore processor, 洪明璋, 2011 Customizable Datapath Integrated Lock, Jaaskelainen, P, 2011 On Performance of Kernel Based and Embedded Real-Time Operating System: Benchmarking and Analysis, Mastura D., 2011

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