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Complete and Simple Predicates ELA3C1 The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the English language, realizing that usage involves.

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Presentation on theme: "Complete and Simple Predicates ELA3C1 The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the English language, realizing that usage involves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Complete and Simple Predicates ELA3C1 The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the English language, realizing that usage involves the appropriate application of conventions and grammar in both written and spoken formats. The student: f. Identifies and uses increasingly complex sentence structure.

2 Every complete sentence has a subject.

3 The person, place, or thing the sentence is about is called the subject.

4 Every complete sentence has a predicate.

5 The verb (action word) that tells what the subject is or does is called the simple predicate.

6 Examples Houses, schools, and stores are buildings. She jumps on the bed. A building has many parts. The little boy kicks the ball over the fence. In the sentences above the simple predicate is circled.

7 The complete predicate is all the words that tell what the subject of the sentence is or does. The complete subject usually follows the subject of a sentence.

8 Examples Houses, schools, and stores are buildings. She jumps on the bed. A building has many parts. The little boy kicks the ball over the fence. In the sentences above the complete predicate is underlined.

9 Practice Find the simple predicate in each sentence.

10 1.Mr. Thompson built our new house. A.Mr. ThompsonMr. Thompson B.househouse C.builtbuilt

11 Great Job!!!! Next

12 Oops!!! Try Again. Back

13 2. He drew a plan for the house. A.drewdrew B.planplan C.househouse

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16 3.The plan is a blueprint. A.blueprintblueprint B.isis C.aa

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19 4. The blueprint shows all the floors and rooms. A.floorsfloors B.showsshows C.allall

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22 5. My bedroom is the big room upstairs. A.roomroom B.bigbig C.isis

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25 Practice Find the complete predicate in each sentence.

26 6. Carpenters follow a blueprint. A.Carpenters followCarpenters follow B.follow a blueprintfollow a blueprint

27 Awesome Job!!! Next

28 Sorry Try Again!!! Back

29 7. The frame is wood or steel. wood or steelis wood or steel B.The frameThe frame

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32 8. The floors in our house have carpets. our house havein our house have B.have carpetshave carpets

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34 Sorry Try Again!!! Back

35 9. The walls of my room are blue. A.are blueare blue room are bluemy room are blue

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38 10. This wall has a big picture window. A.this wall has athis wall has a B.has a big picture windowhas a big picture window

39 Awesome Job!!! Next

40 Sorry Try Again!!! Back

41 Extra Practice Take out your language handbook. Turn to page 88. Write the complete predicate for each sentence. Circle the simple predicate. Complete 7-12 on your own. Raise your hand when finished and I will come check your work.

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