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Welcome to Hope Fellowship Church Our Mission: “To know the triune God in the person of Jesus Christ and to make Him known.”

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Hope Fellowship Church Our Mission: “To know the triune God in the person of Jesus Christ and to make Him known.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Hope Fellowship Church Our Mission: “To know the triune God in the person of Jesus Christ and to make Him known.”

2 Shackled by a heavy burden 'Neath a load of guilt and shame Then the hand of Jesus touched me And now I am no longer the same

3 He touched me Oh He touched me And oh the joy that floods my soul Something happened and now I know He touched me and made me whole

4 Since I met this blessed Savior Since He cleansed and made me whole I will never cease to praise Him I'll shout it while eternity rolls

5 He touched me Oh He touched me And oh the joy that floods my soul Something happened and now I know He touched me and made me whole

6 Something happened and now I know He touched me and made me whole

7 © 1964 William J. Gaither, Inc. ARR UBP of Gaither Copyright Management William J. Gaither CCLI License No. 2670267


9 There will never be a sweeter story Story of the Savior's love divine Love that bro't Him from the realms of glory Just to save a sinful soul like mine

10 Isn't the love of Jesus Something wonderful, Wonderful, wonderful

11 O isn't the love of Jesus Something wonderful, Wonderful it is to me!

12 Boundless as the universe around me Reaching to the farthest soul away Saving keeping love it was that found me That is why my heart can truly say

13 Isn't the love of Jesus Something wonderful, Wonderful, wonderful

14 O isn't the love of Jesus Something wonderful, Wonderful, wonderful

15 Love beyond our human comprehending Love of God in Christ how can it be This will be my theme and never ending Great redeeming love of Calvary

16 Isn't the love of Jesus Something wonderful, Wonderful, wonderful

17 O isn't the love of Jesus Something wonderful, Wonderful, wonderful

18 Isn't the love of Jesus Something wonderful, Wonderful, wonderful

19 O isn't the love of Jesus Something wonderful, Wonderful, wonderful

20 Wonderful it is to me, Wonderful it is to me!

21 © 1961 John W. Peterson Music Company John W. Peterson CCLI License No. 2670267


23 Children of the living God Come and sing, sing out loud Children of the living God Sing to the living God

24 Sing of the wonders He has made Bird in flight, falling rain Sing of the wonders He has made Sing to the living God

25 How He loves us with great love He who sits enthroned above For our lives He spilled His blood Sent His Spirit like a flood

26 Children of the living God Sing to the living God

27 Sing of His gentle healing hands How they found the lowest man Sing of His gentle healing hands Sing to the living God

28 Sing of the mercy that He gives Though we sin, He forgives Sing of the mercy that He gives Sing to the living God

29 How He loves us with great love He who sits enthroned above For our lives He spilled His blood Sent His Spirit like a flood

30 Children of the living God Sing to the living God

31 Sing for the morning when He comes In the clouds glorious Son Sing for the morning when He comes Sing to the living God

32 How He loves us with great love He who sits enthroned above For our lives He spilled His blood Sent His Spirit like a flood

33 Children of the living God Sing to the living God

34 Children of the living God, Sing to the living God, Sing to the living God!

35 © 1996 Metro One (Admin. by Metro One, Inc.) Fernando Ortega CCLI License No. 2670267


37 O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made,

38 I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder, Thy pow'r thru'out The universe displayed,

39 Then sings my soul, My Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art, How great Thou art!


41 When thru the woods And forest glades I wander, And hear the birds Sing sweetly in the trees;

42 When I look down From lofty mountain grandeur And hear the brook And feel the gentle breeze;

43 Then sings my soul, My Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art, How great Thou art!


45 And when I think That God His Son not sparing, Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;

46 That on the cross My burden gladly bearing, He bled and died To take away my sin.

47 Then sings my soul, My Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art, How great Thou art!


49 When Christ shall come With shout of acclamation; And take me home, What joy shall fill my heart

50 Then I shall bow In humble adoration, And there proclaim, My God how great Thou art!

51 Then sings my soul, My Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art, How great Thou art!


53 He is jealous for me Loves like a hurricane I am a tree bending beneath The weight of His wind and mercy

54 When all of a sudden I am unaware of These afflictions eclipsed by glory I realize just how beautiful You are And how great Your affections are for me

55 Oh how He loves us so Oh how He loves us How He loves us so

56 He is jealous for me Loves like a hurricane I am a tree bending beneath The weight of His wind and mercy

57 When all of a sudden I am unaware of These afflictions eclipsed by glory I realize just how beautiful You are And how great Your affections are for me

58 Oh how He loves us so Oh how He loves us How He loves us so

59 (Yeah) He loves us Oh how He loves us Oh how He loves

60 (Yeah) He loves us Oh how He loves us Oh how He loves

61 We are His portion And He is our prize Drawn to redemption By the grace in His eyes If grace is an ocean we're all sinking

62 So Heaven meets earth Like a sloppy wet kiss And my heart turns violently Inside of my chest

63 I don't have time to maintain These regrets When I think about the way that

64 (Yeah) He loves us Oh how He loves us Oh how He loves

65 (Yeah) He loves us Oh how He loves us Oh how He loves

66 Oh how He loves us so Oh how He loves us How He loves us so

67 He is jealous for me Loves like a hurricane I am a tree bending beneath The weight of His wind and mercy

68 © 2005 Integrity's Hosanna! Music John Mark McMillan CCLI License No. 2670267


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