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a. He married Daisy. b. He met Daisy. c. His father left him. d. He went to Europe. e. He returned to the home. f. His mother died. g. Button was born.

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Presentation on theme: "a. He married Daisy. b. He met Daisy. c. His father left him. d. He went to Europe. e. He returned to the home. f. His mother died. g. Button was born."— Presentation transcript:



3 a. He married Daisy. b. He met Daisy. c. His father left him. d. He went to Europe. e. He returned to the home. f. His mother died. g. Button was born in 1918. 6 4 3 5 7 2 1

4 A B C D E F GH I Put these pictures in chronological order: B

5 1. C 2. F 3. D 4. B 5. H 6. I 7. E 8. G 9. A

6 -led India to independence -inspired movements for non-violence and freedom across the world.


8 Dave and Fiona met at Tom’s birthday party. Dave was Tom’s best friend and Fiona was his sister. They got to like each other and he invited her to the cinema the following weekend-this was their first date. And so they started going out with each other. Three years later, Dave bought a ring for Fiona, asked her to become his wife and so they got engaged. Then they got married in a wonderful ceremony with their whole families as guests and flew to the Seychelles for their honeymoon. When they came back they lived happily ever after.

9 According to this timeline create your own, including your education:

10 I was born in… I started my education … I graduated primary school… Two years ago I spent my holidays… Last year… Yesterday…. In the future I’m going to be….

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