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Misfits: People Who Walked by Faith Whatever You Say (is Possible) Luke 1:26–38.

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1 Misfits: People Who Walked by Faith Whatever You Say (is Possible) Luke 1:26–38

2 Memory Verse “For no word from God will ever fail.” “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her. Luke 1:37–38

3 Learning Goals Explore: Students will understand that because God’s Word can always be trusted, Christ-followers can have confidence in following His commands. Transform: Students will contrast hesitations in their life with promises of God.

4 Discussion Why do you suppose that Mary was so quick to accept what Gabriel had come to tell her? Why was it important that God promise to give Jesus the throne of David? What does it mean that David was Jesus’ father? Why is it significant that God sent the Holy Spirit to Mary? Why is the promise of the Holy Spirit important for us today? What are the promises of God that you rely upon today before you take a step in faith?

5 Key Study 1. God’s grace toward us is astounding. Luke 1:26–29

6 Key Study 2. God’s commands and promises to us are overwhelming. Luke 1:30–36

7 Key Study 3. God’s Word to us is trustworthy. Luke 1:35–38

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