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1 Springhill M.B. Church A church determined to Exalt the Savior, Elevate Society, and Edify the Saints with Creativity, Excitement and Excellence.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Springhill M.B. Church A church determined to Exalt the Savior, Elevate Society, and Edify the Saints with Creativity, Excitement and Excellence."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Springhill M.B. Church A church determined to Exalt the Savior, Elevate Society, and Edify the Saints with Creativity, Excitement and Excellence.

2 2 God’s Will R EADING AND A PPLYING G OD ’ S S IGNS FOR Y OUR L IFE Lesson 4 The Telephone Signpost: A Study on Prayer

3 The Telephone Signpost: A Study on Prayer I. Walking in the Light a. Sources of “Light” b. God’s Light Source 1. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 2. Psalm 119:105 3 TURN ON HEADLIGHTS TURN ON HEADLIGHTS

4 The Telephone Signpost: A Study on Prayer II. Following God Through His Word a. Godly Counsel b. Godly Study 1. Concordance 2. Naves Topical Bible 3. Online Study 4 TURN ON HEADLIGHTS TURN ON HEADLIGHTS

5 The Telephone Signpost: A Study on Prayer III. How the Bible Speaks to Us A. Proclamation – “thou shalt” B. Prohibition – “thou shalt not” C. Promises – “if you will…I will…” D. Principles – Foundations for life 5

6 The Telephone Signpost: A Study on Prayer IV. Barriers to Obeying This Sign a. Misapplication 1. 2 Peter 1:20 b. Stubbornness 1. James 1:22 2. Rebellious against the word. 6

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