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EPA’S MERCURY RESEARCH STRATEGY. MERCURY RESEARCH – STRATEGIC PLANNING Research efforts guided by EPA’s Mercury Research Strategy published in 2000 Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "EPA’S MERCURY RESEARCH STRATEGY. MERCURY RESEARCH – STRATEGIC PLANNING Research efforts guided by EPA’s Mercury Research Strategy published in 2000 Strategy."— Presentation transcript:


2 MERCURY RESEARCH – STRATEGIC PLANNING Research efforts guided by EPA’s Mercury Research Strategy published in 2000 Strategy goal: To provide information and data that reduces scientific uncertainties limiting the Agency’s ability to assess and manage mercury and methylmercury risks ORD/NRMRL/mercury/

3 MERCURY RESEARCH AREAS Risk Management Fate and Transport Human Health Effects and Exposure Ecological Effects and Exposure Risk Communication

4 RISK MANAGEMENT Combustion Research Measure/monitor Hg emissions from incinerators and coal fired utilities Develop control technologies Non-Combustion Research Identify, quantify, and estimate uncertainties for non-combustion sources of mercury

5 FATE AND TRANSPORT Transport Measure/monitor near-field and long range transport Transformation Identify processes and rates of mercury transformations Deposition Measure deposition rates and forms Bioaccumulation Identify rates, routes, and trophic transfers

6 HUMAN HEALTH EFFECTS AND EXPOSURE EPA Reference Dose (RfD) of 0.1 ug/kg set in 2000 and supported by National Academy of Sciences study Research efforts focus on reducing uncertainties in exposure profiles for sensitive populations Identifying effects of mercury in combination with other persistent, bioaccumulative toxics such as PCBs on sensory and motor functions

7 Research focused on identifying mechanisms and rates for mercury uptake and accumulation Initial focus on birds (raptors) Multi-year reproductive study on methylmercury effects on American kestrel Expanding efforts to other wildlife ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND EXPOSURE

8 RISK COMMUNICATION Research focused on how environmental risk (such as mercury consumption) is perceived and communicated differently from other risks

9 COLLABORATION AND PARTNERSHIP ORD’s research efforts coordinated with Program and Regional offices OAR, OW, OSWER, OIA EPA research coordinated with other Federal agencies NIEHS, DOE, USGS Regional monitoring and assessment activities include emphasis on stakeholder involvement EMAP USGCRP Regional Assessments ECOS? Others?

10 ORD CONTACTS Jeff Frithsen, Chairperson, ORD Research Workgroup – 202-564-3323, Herman Gibb, Lead Author, ORD Mercury Multi-Year Plan – 202-564-3334, Stan Durkee, Member, EPA’s Mercury Task Force – 202-564-6784,

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