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Half-Life & Carbon Dating pg

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Presentation on theme: "Half-Life & Carbon Dating pg"— Presentation transcript:

1 Half-Life & Carbon Dating pg. 621-625
LO: I understand how radioactive isotopes can be used to determine the age of matter.

2 Review of Radioactivity
Why are atoms unstable? Unbalanced nuclear forces—Electrostatic Charge Repulsion & Strong Nuclear Force The more protons in nucleus more neutrons needed to maintain stability. Radioactive particles involved Alpha Beta Gamma Neutron Positron Types of Nuclear Reactions Radioactive Decay Nuclear Fusion—stars Nuclear Fission—chain reactions (atomic bombs, etc.)

3 What we know about radioactivity
Radioactive (unstable) atoms exist everywhere: Outer space bombardment into Earth’s atmosphere Matter on Earth Air All atoms above Z=83 (Bismuth) are radioactive

4 What is half-life? Half Life: The time it takes for half of the parent nuclide to decay to the daughter nuclide. 100% 50% 25% 1st HL 2nd HL 50 yrs

5 Half-life time duration for isotopes

6 Half-Life Problem Setup

7 Half-Life Examples How long does it take for a 14.2 g sample of Radon to decay to g?

8 Half-Life Examples Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5730 yrs. How old is the fossil if it contains only 12.5% of the Carbon-14 relative to living organisms?

9 Radiocarbon Dating Radiocarbon Dating: A technique used to estimate the ages of fossils and artifacts due to the carbon-14 contained in them. Not useful for metals. Carbon-14: A radioactive isotope formed from nitrogen bombardment in the atmosphere by a neutron particle.


11 Carbon-14 dating organisms
Plants take in Carbon-14 via photosynthesis Living organisms eat plants which incorporate Carbon-14 into animal tissues Upon death, the organism stops incorporating new Carbon-14 (half-life of 5730 yrs) The amount (%) of Carbon-14 in the organic tissues indicates their age (relative to living organisms) Not dependable when dating objects beyond 50,000 years

12 How old is the artifact? Question: A wooden boat discovered near Egypt had a Carbon-14 content of approximately 12.5% of that found in living organisms. How old is the boat?

13 Solving Half-Life Problems

14 Solving Half-Life Problems
A radioactive sample contains 2.45 g of an isotope with a half-life of 3.8 days. How much of the isotope in grams remains after 11.4 days?

15 Solving Half-Life Problems
A 208 g sample of sodium-24 decays to 13.0 g of sodium-24 within 60.0 hours. What is the half-life of this radioactive isotope?

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