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The Archaeology Magazine For Kids Grade 8 M.Wiener.

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2 The Archaeology Magazine For Kids Grade 8 M.Wiener

3  Started in 1980  Part of Cobblestone Publishing  One of seven Cobblestone educationally themed magazines  Started by two teachers  Utilizes puzzles, original articles, reader submissions, and activity suggestions along with other types of informative materials

4  Interactive website  Quizzes  IQ tests  Fun facts  Articles on a number of subjects in anthropology  A state by state guide to archaeology sites and information  Jokes  Question and answer blogging  A creative art section for sending and viewing art readers send in  Subscriptions available

5  What is the difference between an archaeologist and an anthropologist? Marta, Web post  Dr. dig responds: Technically, an anthropologist studies all aspects of humanity - physical (or biological), cultural, and archaeological. The archaeologist has a narrower field, and studies the past by recovering and analyzing artifacts and evidence of material culture. There is a great deal of overlap between the two disciplines.


7  Tab that has anthropology terms that show up in the magazine and that someone may not know off hand.. example:  Absolute Dating:(also known as chronometric dating). A dating method that attempts to determine an object's exact age (as opposed to its relative age) in calendar years (AD or BC/BCE) or in years before present (BP). This includes scientific methodologies such as dendrochronology, radiocarbon dating and potassium-argon dating. The dates provided by these methods are not 100% accurate, and each date has a margin of uncertainty.

8  Activities that correlate with articles in Dig:  Creativity: You can create a miniature dig in a shoebox. To make a small Native American hunting site, pack some 25-cent arrowheads, animal bones, and beads into a few inches of sand or soil. That provides enough material to provoke questions about how the people lived.




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