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Web-based Learning Learning from the Internet: Information to knowledge through inquiry.

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Presentation on theme: "Web-based Learning Learning from the Internet: Information to knowledge through inquiry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web-based Learning Learning from the Internet: Information to knowledge through inquiry

2 Why Web-based Learning The Web contains a large repertoire of information The Web contains a large repertoire of information New generation – learning of generic skills in additional to subject knowledge New generation – learning of generic skills in additional to subject knowledge Life-long learning Life-long learning Student-centred learning Student-centred learning

3 What the Web gives? Internet is a great source of information Internet is a great source of information Information finding skill Information finding skill Authentic Information/Situation Authentic Information/Situation arouse motivation; situated learning arouse motivation; situated learning Easy communication/collaboration Easy communication/collaboration flexibility flexibility

4 What is Happening? 以前的成功方式, 已不足夠令我 們的下一代去應付新環境新問題 的挑戰. 我們甚至不知道他們將 會面對什麼問題, 更遑論為他們 提供答案及解決辦法. 所以我們 一定要肯定我們的孩子要懂得獨 立思考. ( 新加坡政府, 1997) 以前的成功方式, 已不足夠令我 們的下一代去應付新環境新問題 的挑戰. 我們甚至不知道他們將 會面對什麼問題, 更遑論為他們 提供答案及解決辦法. 所以我們 一定要肯定我們的孩子要懂得獨 立思考. ( 新加坡政府, 1997)

5 What Our Students Need? 創造性思考及學習技能 創造性思考及學習技能 減少學科知識的學習 減少學科知識的學習 將更多時間用於專題研究 (Project) 將更多時間用於專題研究 (Project) 資訊科技用於建立傳意技巧及獨 立學習的能力 資訊科技用於建立傳意技巧及獨 立學習的能力 培養學習興趣, 學習目的並非為 求優良考試成績, 只有能夠不斷 學習才能達致卓越的成就 培養學習興趣, 學習目的並非為 求優良考試成績, 只有能夠不斷 學習才能達致卓越的成就 新加坡政府口號 : Learning Nation, Thinking School

6 我 們 的 理 想 ( 香港政府 98 年資訊科技教育五 年策略 ) 激 發 和 維 持 學 生 的 學 習 興 趣 。.. 教 與 學 逐 漸 轉 向 較 有 創 意 及 互 動 性 的 模 式 。 激 發 和 維 持 學 生 的 學 習 興 趣 。.. 教 與 學 逐 漸 轉 向 較 有 創 意 及 互 動 性 的 模 式 。 擴 闊 學 生 的 視 野 , 豐 富 他 們 的 學 習 經 驗 , 幫 助 他 們 發 展 具 創 意 的 思 維 。 擴 闊 學 生 的 視 野 , 豐 富 他 們 的 學 習 經 驗 , 幫 助 他 們 發 展 具 創 意 的 思 維 。 鼓 勵 學 生 不 斷 自 學 進 修 , 培 養 合 作 精 神 。 鼓 勵 學 生 不 斷 自 學 進 修 , 培 養 合 作 精 神 。

7 培養更高層次的思維技巧, 培養更高層次的思維技巧, 掌握處理資訊(尋找、評估、組 織和表達)的全盤方法, 掌握處理資訊(尋找、評估、組 織和表達)的全盤方法, 養成終生學習的習慣。 養成終生學習的習慣。 學校教育有需要來一次 " 範式轉 向 "- 由主要以課本為根據、教師 為中心的教學模式,轉向較為互 動和以學生為中心的模式。 學校教育有需要來一次 " 範式轉 向 "- 由主要以課本為根據、教師 為中心的教學模式,轉向較為互 動和以學生為中心的模式。

8 WEB-based Teaching Today? Repository of teaching materials Repository of teaching materials Class administration Class administration Information dissemination Information dissemination Student-teacher interaction Student-teacher interaction (Yet another) Broadcasting medium (Yet another) Broadcasting medium Searching for information Searching for information Examination medium Examination medium Virtual laboratories Virtual laboratories

9 Web-based Learning How to use the above technology to How to use the above technology to Promote student-centred learning - paradigm Promote student-centred learning - paradigm Train high-order generic skills Train high-order generic skills Encourage Life-long learning Encourage Life-long learning

10 The Solution Webquest? Webquest?

11 WebQuest An inquiry activity that An inquiry activity that presents students with a challenging task, presents students with a challenging task, provides access to an abundance of usually online resources and provides access to an abundance of usually online resources and scaffolds the learning process to prompt higher order thinking. scaffolds the learning process to prompt higher order thinking. The products of WebQuests are usually published on the Web for some real feedback. The products of WebQuests are usually published on the Web for some real feedback. WebQuests usually involve a controversial topic. WebQuests usually involve a controversial topic. The WebQuest could help students construct their own mental models of standing through active inquiry. The WebQuest could help students construct their own mental models of standing through active inquiry.

12 Theoretical Background Situated Learning Situated Learning Constructivism Constructivism Problem-based Learning Problem-based Learning Project-based Learning Project-based Learning

13 Situated Learning Learning occurs when a learner explores in an authentic situation through social interaction and collaboration Learning occurs when a learner explores in an authentic situation through social interaction and collaboration

14 Constructivism Past Knowledge Environment select and transform information Construct hypotheses Make decisions Learner

15 Constructivism Learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge; Learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge; the learner selects and transforms information, constructs hypotheses, and makes decisions, relying on a cognitive structure to do so the learner selects and transforms information, constructs hypotheses, and makes decisions, relying on a cognitive structure to do so More about Constructivism

16 Problem-based learning (PBL) An instructional method that An instructional method that challenges students to "learn to learn," challenges students to "learn to learn," working cooperatively in groups to seek solutions to real world problems. working cooperatively in groups to seek solutions to real world problems. Problems are used to engage students' curiosity and initiate learning the subject matter. Problems are used to engage students' curiosity and initiate learning the subject matter. Prepares students to think critically and analytically, and to find and use appropriate learning resources. Prepares students to think critically and analytically, and to find and use appropriate learning resources.

17 Project-based Learning a comprehensive approach to instruction. a comprehensive approach to instruction. students participate in projects and practice an interdisciplinary array of skills from math, language arts, fine arts, geography, science, and technology. students participate in projects and practice an interdisciplinary array of skills from math, language arts, fine arts, geography, science, and technology.

18 The WebQuest(ions) An inquiry-oriented activity An inquiry-oriented activity Teachers choose Web resources for students to use Teachers choose Web resources for students to use Built around pre-selected resources Built around pre-selected resources Can involve group work Can involve group work Support analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information Support analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information Adapted from the articles by Bernie Dodge, San Diego State University “ Some Thoughts about WebQuests ” ( tml ) and tml “ Building Blocks of a WebQuest ” ( cks/p-index.htm ) cks/p-index.htm

19 The WebQuest Model Introduction Introduction sets the stage and provides some background information. sets the stage and provides some background information. An instructional set that stimulates prior knowledge and prepares students for new learning. An instructional set that stimulates prior knowledge and prepares students for new learning. Task or Problems Task or Problems The challenge or conflict to be addressed in the WebQuest activities The challenge or conflict to be addressed in the WebQuest activities

20 The WebQuest Model … Process Process students go through in accomplishing the task students go through in accomplishing the task Collaborative teams are formed Collaborative teams are formed Specific guided activities Specific guided activities Products published on the Web Products published on the Web Information sources Information sources information needed to complete the task information needed to complete the task Web-based Web-based Print or video resources Print or video resources

21 The WebQuest Model … Evaluation Evaluation Open-ended for products created by students as a result of their problem solving. Open-ended for products created by students as a result of their problem solving. Conclusion Conclusion The closure to the quest The closure to the quest Reminds the learners about what they've learned Reminds the learners about what they've learned Teacher’s page Teacher’s page information to help other teachers to implement the Webquest, including: target learners, curriculum contents, notes for teaching the unit, and, in some cases, examples of student work information to help other teachers to implement the Webquest, including: target learners, curriculum contents, notes for teaching the unit, and, in some cases, examples of student work Concept Map showing the relationships among the concepts (CU only) Concept Map showing the relationships among the concepts (CU only) References and citations References and citations

22 Types of WebQuests Short term Short term Instructional goal is knowledge acquisition Instructional goal is knowledge acquisition Designed to be completed in one to three periods Designed to be completed in one to three periods Long term Long term Instructional goal is extending and refining knowledge Instructional goal is extending and refining knowledge Designed to take over one week Designed to take over one week

23 FOCUS:Five Rules for Writing a Great WebQuest Find great sites Find great sites Orchestrate learners and resources Orchestrate learners and resources Ensure trouble-free group work by creating a cooperative learning environment Ensure trouble-free group work by creating a cooperative learning environment Challenge learners to think Challenge learners to think Dodge, B. (2001). FOCUS: Five Rules for Writing a Great WebQuest. Learning & Leading with Technology, 28(8).

24 FOCUS:Five Rules for Writing a Great WebQuest Use the Medium Use the Medium Access to multimedia resources such as video or audio Access to multimedia resources such as video or audio Take advantage of the unique features the Internet contains Take advantage of the unique features the Internet contains Scaffold high expectations Scaffold high expectations Make it easy for students to succeed by providing guides that help them acquire, transform, and present knowledge. Make it easy for students to succeed by providing guides that help them acquire, transform, and present knowledge.

25 Developing vs doing a WebQuest Define a problem Define a problem Develop questions Develop questions Search for and evaluate resources Search for and evaluate resources Design a site with an audience in mind Design a site with an audience in mind Work on a team for project creation Work on a team for project creation Synthesize information Synthesize information Apply logical thinking Apply logical thinking Consider and accept multiple possible solutions Consider and accept multiple possible solutions Respond to a problem Respond to a problem Respond to questions Respond to questions Evaluate information within pre-selected resources Evaluate information within pre-selected resources Navigate within a site Navigate within a site Work on a team for problem solution Work on a team for problem solution Synthesize information Synthesize information Apply logical thinking Apply logical thinking Arrive at a possible solution to the problem Arrive at a possible solution to the problem Jonassen, D. H., Howland, J., Moore, J. & Marra, R. M. (2002). Learning to solve problems with technology: A constructivist perspective. New York: Prentice Hall. p.48

26 Learning resources WebQuest Workshop WebQuest Workshop WebQuest Workshop WebQuest Workshop WebQuest Collections WebQuest Collections WebQuest Collections WebQuest Collections WebQuest Templates WebQuest Templates WebQuest Templates WebQuest Templates WebQuest Taskonomy WebQuest Taskonomy WebQuest Taskonomy WebQuest Taskonomy

27 Examples from CU students 021656/EDD5169B/ 021656/EDD5169B/ 021656/EDD5169B/ 021656/EDD5169B/ 021562/EDD5169D/ 021562/EDD5169D/ 021562/EDD5169D/ 021562/EDD5169D/ 021713/EDD5169D/ 021713/EDD5169D/ 021713/EDD5169D/ 021713/EDD5169D/

28 Webquest – Main Features Inquiry Approach Inquiry Approach Mainly use resources on the Web Mainly use resources on the Web Guided and provided with basic information like web resources Guided and provided with basic information like web resources Products on the Web to collect feedbacks Products on the Web to collect feedbacks

29 What is NOT A Webquest

30 A web containing educational resources is NOT a Webquest Examples: Examples: 全唐詩網頁 etry/ 全唐詩網頁 etry/ etry/ etry/ 中國超級地圖集 中國超級地圖集 Reasons Reasons No Task No Task No Processes, No product…. No Processes, No product….

31 Virtual Experiment is NOT a Webquest Examples Examples 永權網頁 ei9/ 永權網頁 ei9/ ei9/ ei9/ 台灣師大物理系實驗室 demolab/index.htm 台灣師大物理系實驗室 demolab/index.htm demolab/index.htm demolab/index.htm Reasons Reasons Just use information or tools provided by the same website. Just use information or tools provided by the same website.

32 Web-based Learning Environment may NOT be a Webquest Examples: Examples: HAS Centre 超媒體自學中心 HAS Centre 超媒體自學中心 Reasons: Reasons: Instructional Approach that Instructional Approach that Present materials Present materials Quizzes Quizzes

33 Inquiry-based learning but NOT on the Web is NOT a Webquest Example: a website for students to download experiment instructions and worksheets to work on an experiment Example: a website for students to download experiment instructions and worksheets to work on an experiment Reasons Reasons Not involve resources on the Web. Not involve resources on the Web.

34 Examples The Education that I want ing_hk/page2.html The Education that I want ing_hk/page2.html ing_hk/page2.html ing_hk/page2.html 專題研習 - 讓學生親自去開啟智慧的寶庫

35 Activity Work in groups Work in groups Select a webquest from: mmunity/webquest/ Select a webquest from: mmunity/webquest/ mmunity/webquest/ mmunity/webquest/ Discuss on: Discuss on: Inquiry approach Inquiry approach Resources using Resources using Guidance -- Scaffolding Guidance -- Scaffolding Report in the next section Report in the next section

36 END

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