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Ping made a ______ to China to meet his grandparents and uncles. a)roamedroamed b)completedcompleted c)journeyjourney d)naturalnatural.

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3 Ping made a ______ to China to meet his grandparents and uncles. a)roamedroamed b)completedcompleted c)journeyjourney d)naturalnatural

4 journey – noun – a trip, especially one over a considerable distance or taking considerable time Everglades National Park


6 I could hardly wait until my brother _____ his Thanksgiving project and we could all finally go to the movies. a)completedcompleted b)journeyjourney c)naturalnatural d)wildlifewildlife

7 completed – verb - did, finished Glacier National Park

8 The grizzly bear _________ over a long narrow valley and the nearby mountains. a)journeyjourney b)naturalnatural c)wildlifewildlife d)roamedroamed

9 roamed – verb – moved around in a large area Smokey Mountain National Park

10 We saw lots of ______ on our hike in the woods. a)wildlifewildlife b)roamedroamed c)completedcompleted d)journeyjourney

11 wildlife – noun – living things, especially the animals naturally in an area Yosemite National Park

12 We hiked through the _____ surrounding of the Grand Canyon. a)naturalnatural b)wildlifewildlife c)roamedroamed d)completedcompleted

13 natural – adjective – unchanged by people Grand Canyon National Park

14 Susan Ging Lent Production

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